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FF.au3 Help w/ a Tricky Xpath

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm having trouble figuring out a way to extract info from a dynamic page that lists order information. The source for the page is making it difficult for me to find the correct Xpath. Here's a condensed snippet of the source to help illustrate:

<tr class="cart_item odd cancelled_line_item">
<td class="status_col">
<div class="first_row status">
<div class="second_row isbn">
9780133050691                                  <---- This is what I'm after
<tr class="cart_item even cancelled_line_item">
<td class="status_col">
<div class="first_row status">
<div class="second_row isbn">
9780133050691                                        <---- This is what I'm after
<tr class="cart_item odd cancelled_line_item">
<td class="status_col">
<div class="first_row status">
<div class="second_row isbn">
9781111221294                                         <---- This is what I'm after

 Each of the highlighted rows above is a line item on an order and every line item will fall under either cart_item odd cancelled_line_item or cart_item even cancelled_line_item but because of various other elements the tr[x] value is completely dynamic. Large orders can have as many as a dozen of each one of those classes. If the name of the tr class wasn't used more than once I could easily get the Xpath with something like:

_FFXpath("html/body/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[@class='cart_item odd cancelled_line_item']//td[1]/div[2]", "textContent" ,9)

But since there are multiple matches under that class on any order with 3 or more line items I can't seem to get the path for anything other than the first value found. If I change the parameters for _FFXpath from "textContent", 9 to "", 10 I can get a count so I know it's detecting multiple ISBN's, but I can't seem to find a way to return all of the xpath values for all line items.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

[Edited for clarity)

Edited by Gonnosuke
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This should grab your collection, which you would then need to loop through to get the text.

"//tr[contains(@class,'cancelled_line_item')]//div[@class='second_row isbn']"

IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
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This should grab your collection, which you would then need to loop through to get the text.

"//tr[contains(@class,'cancelled_line_item')]//div[@class='second_row isbn']"

Thank you so much for the accurate and blazing fast response! Worked great.

In case it might be useful to someone in the future, I just wanted to mention that _FFXpath(".//tr[contains(@class,'cancelled_line_item')]//div[@class='second_row isbn']", "textContent",7) outputs the results to an array for easy access.

Edited by Gonnosuke
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