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Huge File


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Before someone says anything about searching I will just let you know I did I am aware that you can't use a diffrent compression program (which is rather a wierd design). But I see compiled scripts that are 44 kb for the 3rd version and would like to know how this is accompilshed. I have a 3 kb uncompiled program it compiles into a 160 compressed and 360 uncompressed monster. Is it just me or is that kinda stupid. I love autoit but its dumb that I can't make it a reasonable size. Can anyone help me as to how I can make it smaller or at least in the two digits. Thankyou. Also i am using the beta version so i can use HTTP Request.

Edited by Ic3c0ld
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As mentioned numerous times in this forum, as Larry politely put it, it isn't possible.

(Devs can stop me if I'm wrong)

AutoIt compresses a copy of the executable with essentially the command file. When executed, it has to decompress the commands, and process them real time. That's also the issue with encryption and source security in compiled versions. If AutoIt had a similar compiler to a C (or other) compiler, only required functions would be included. However, since AutoIt is not C, it doesn't do it the same way.

Sorry. There are always tarballs, zip, and 7-zip files, as well as the nice BlackHole format ;)

Edit: With the price per GB so low these days, I don't understand what huge concern over 0.3-0.4 MB file size is. It's rare for me to ever see program files less than 1 MB...Most scripts I've seen for systems automation and programs tend to be fairly big, however, do not get very large in executable size as not much bigger anyways. My 261-line, two-script program, compiles into a total of 337KB.

Edited by MSLx Fanboy

Writing AutoIt scripts since

_DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())
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As mentioned numerous times in this forum, as Larry politely put it, it isn't possible.

(Devs can stop me if I'm wrong)

AutoIt compresses a copy of the executable with essentially the command file. When executed, it has to decompress the commands, and process them real time. That's also the issue with encryption and source security in compiled versions. If AutoIt had a similar compiler to a C (or other) compiler, only required functions would be included. However, since AutoIt is not C, it doesn't do it the same way.

I know this already. I pretty much said that in my first post but in like a couple word setnence but ok. My prog could be made into C++ very easily its just i don't C++. Thanks your for more contsructive reply even if it was in that i already knew. It just bugs me that one person got his so small.

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We all had them that small at one time. Do you know why? Because AutoIt didn't do nearly as much then as it did now. The price of expanding the language is the size.

And just for the record, AutoIt isn't even remotely close to being unreasonable. Go play with Visual Basic and have to worry about whether or not your users have a 5-6 MB runtime installed and see what that's like compared to a stand-alone compiled script which takes up a measly couple hundred KB.

Edit: Fixed a very weird Yoda-esque copy/paste error.

Edited by Valik
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There is also of course the monstrous .NET runtime library -- write a 150KB program, require a 20? MB runtime download for anything earlier than (and possibly including?) XP.

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