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Still Need Math Help

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Sorry to say that I am still pulling my hair out over this... and I know it's not your faults that i'm just not grasping the syntax. :whistle: Let's start from scratch with this. Say, I create a gui that has the following qualifications:

Three input boxes

One label

One button *optional

I want the fist input box to be a starting balance. The second input box will be for a payment and the third for a deposit, all should be able to accept only dollar amounts and cents i.e. 100.00, 2.50 etc... The fourth element, a label will be where the remaining balance will show. The label won't be editable -it will just show the dollar amount of the equation. Now, depending on simplicity; I would like the calculations to be done as the numbers are entered in the fields but if it's too big of a deal to pull off a button to do the calculations will be fine.

What I need as a formula is this:

Starting balance minus ( - ) the payment plus ( +) the deposit will ( =) the balance

Thanks again

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It is around what you ask you still need to ajust the button. Perhaps none are needed. working with 102.13

GUICreate("My balance GUI")
$startbalance = GuiSetControl ("input", "0", 10, 10, 50)
$payment = GuiSetControl ("input", "0", 70, 10, 50) 
$deposit = GuiSetControl ("input", "0", 130, 10, 50) 
$balance = GuiSetControl ("Label", "0", 195, 10, 50) 

;($balance - $payment) + $deposit = $balance
While GuiMsg()>0

I hope that help. Tell me what you need more in the doc.

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