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Way to troubleshoot

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I have employees who VPN to work, I log into a web version of the Cisco IOS in firefox

I want to take a screen shot of them logged in and refresh the page if I am not able to be at my desk

This is a very simple script, I all I want it to do is, winactivate the firefox screen then mouseclick the refresh button then screenshot

When I run the script it activates the window then just stops, if I eliminate the winactivate it will click and screenshot, something is stopping the mouseclick

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

WinActivate("Mozilla Firefox")
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\VPN.jpg")

IS there a way to troubleshoot and find out what is running to block my mouseclicks?


Thank you

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Thank you, that is much better, wasn't thinking about F5 refresh

I also figured out why it wasn't working initially, I needed to run SCITE as admin and it was doing mouseclicks just fine after that.

one thing I was also trying to figure out

I have a query button that I want to check on the same page, what I am trying to do is, if that query button equals the color in $query then mouseclick at that location, is this correct, my logic maybe on the right track

I am using the color number from the info tool, is the number in the tool Dec or Hex? Under the mouse tab 0x0FAEB1


$query = PixelGetColor( 654, 567)

while 1
If $query = Dec("0FAEB1") Then



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