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HTTP Post request / Javascript


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a quick background. I made an Attendance Tracker tool, which goes into the code and grabs the info needed and displays it. Unfortunately, this requires the user to log in, click several times and once they are on their particular attendance run the script.

The next logical step would be the remove the need to go to the site and click through all of that stuff.

The unfortunate part is that the attendance of every person is set to the same exact web address - https://...../Target2100_ZadavaniDochazkyV50.aspx. I tried looking into this with a friend and it seems that once the user clicks the "Show Attendance" button a kind of a HTTP post is made. So i went through F12 and checked the Network tab and found the post request. However, I'm totally oblivious as to how I should code it. I found http://brugbart.com/http-post-request-autoit which is cool and all howeve what I found in the Network tab is long as hell, with a BUNCH of arguments (I guess).

Anyone care to help with this? Or is there any other way to use the address above and just tell it to perform the script it needs? It looks like this:

class="dxgvCommandColumnItem_Glass dxgv__cci" onclick="window.setTimeout(function(){aspxGVCommandCustomButton('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GVSeznamZam','DET',0);},0)"

The red part is the variable that is changing " DET',0);} "


Edited by Seminko
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