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reading html code - save matching lines?


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hi, at first i wanna say autoit is a great tool :lmao: i have progged a few things with it, but now, i dont now how to fix my problem ;)

i would do the folloing:

- surf to a website with internet explorer

- look at the html code of the site

- save the lines which are matching a definied search-string to a file

ok the surfing, and code saving works nice, but how to save only the special lines to a file? without using a temp file, because i have to spider thousend of sites ...

my code for now is:

#include <IE.au3>
#include <file.au3>

$url = somthing...

$oIE = _IECreate()
$file = FileOpen ("html.txt",2)
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://" & $url)
$html = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE)

FileWriteLine($file,$html & @LF)


FileClose ($file)

^^ with this code i save the full code to the file, but now i want only to save the code-lines which begin with

"<TD><A onmouseover="return overlib('<table class=mapTableOthers><tr><th><strong>"

thx for your help


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hi, at first i wanna say autoit is a great tool :lmao: i have progged a few things with it, but now, i dont now how to fix my problem ;)

i would do the folloing:

- surf to a website with internet explorer

- look at the html code of the site

- save the lines which are matching a definied search-string to a file

ok the surfing, and code saving works nice, but how to save only the special lines to a file? without using a temp file, because i have to spider thousend of sites ...

my code for now is:

#include <IE.au3>
#include <file.au3>

$url = somthing...

$oIE = _IECreate()
$file = FileOpen ("html.txt",2)
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://" & $url)
$html = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE)

FileWriteLine($file,$html & @LF)


FileClose ($file)

^^ with this code i save the full code to the file, but now i want only to save the code-lines which begin with

"<TD><A onmouseover="return overlib('<table class=mapTableOthers><tr><th><strong>"

thx for your help


well with html, i don't think it's a good idea to save by line, just because statements dont' need to be on seperate lines. The best way to go may be to just create a string from the whole source, and then parse out what you need. One code i wrote a while back for a similar project was:

Func _StringSubLoc($ack, $blah)
    $test = StringInStr($ack,$blah)
    If $test Then
        $occ = $occ + 1
EndFunc  ;==>_StringSubLoc

what it does is takes a string and substring as arguments, then locates every occurance of the substring in the string, and returns an array of occurances and positions. So you could call it with a string of the whole document, and the string you want to search by, save that to an array $linestosave, then search for a substring that would come immediately after the line you want to save... maybe a </table> ? then call that function again with the full source and that substring, and save the result to array $endtags or something. then for each item of the $linestosave you could find the $endtag that is closest AFTER, and use stringmid to extract the data between the two points. It may sound complicated, but it really wouldn't be.

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