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I tried to build the example in

<AutoIt Installation Folder>\AutoItX\StandardDLL\VC6\Example\main.cpp

with lccwin32

I followed these steps.

* I copied main.cpp to main.c in a new folder

* I copied AutoItX3.lib to that same folder

* I created a Makefile where I included the AutoItX3.lib in the linker command options

(lcclnk main.obj AutoItX3.lib -o just_a_test.exe)

I got these error messages from the console after I run make:

main.obj .txt: undefined reference to '_AU3_Sleep@4'

... _AU3_Run@12'


Is there a way to convert AutoItX3.lib in a library that can be read by lcc?

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I tried to build the example in

<AutoIt Installation Folder>\AutoItX\StandardDLL\VC6\Example\main.cpp

with lccwin32

I followed these steps.

* I copied main.cpp to main.c in a new folder

* I copied AutoItX3.lib to that same folder

* I created a Makefile where I included the AutoItX3.lib in the linker command options

(lcclnk main.obj AutoItX3.lib -o just_a_test.exe)

I got these error messages from the console after I run make:

main.obj .txt: undefined reference to '_AU3_Sleep@4'

... _AU3_Run@12'


Is there a way to convert AutoItX3.lib in a library that can be read by lcc?

I'll answer to myself in case anybody's interested.

I got the solution.

There are two tools that come with the lcc distribution.

One is pedump.exe, the other one buildlib.exe.

Follow these steps:

1. copy AutoItX3.lib somewhere

2. from there run pedump.exe to create an exp file:

<path to pedump.exe (ususally c:/lcc/bin/pedump.exe)> -exp AutoItX3.lib > AutoItX3.exp

3. Delete the copy of AutoItX3.lib

4. run buildlib.exe on this file:

..../buildlib.exe AutoItX3.exp AutoItX3.lib

I tested it. It worked

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