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How do I make a script repeat?


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i don't get it...

would'nt it be logical for

1 to 2 make it loop once?

because 2-1 = 1

not trying to argue, its just a bit mind boggeling...

I suggest you spend less time guessing and more time actually testing and trying to understand how For...Next works.

Hint: It's called "To" not "Almost To".

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I'm really not pickin' on ya... but how about running the code before you post it.

but the ExitLoop should be in a function like:

while 1
If _isPressed("01") then MouseClicked()

Func MouseClicked()
MsgBox(0, "", "")


Running that code will get you this:


Error: "ExitLoop/ContinueLoop" statements only valid from inside a For/Do/While loop.

...and this code:


while 1
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
WinClose("Untitled - Notepad")
WinWaitActive("Notepad", "The text in the Untitled file has changed")
;then whatever code you want here...
...does the same as:
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
WinClose("Untitled - Notepad")
WinWaitActive("Notepad", "The text in the Untitled file has changed")
;then whatever code you want here...

No, you do not need to have ExitLoop in a function... you need ExitLoop where it is needed, like when a condition is met - then ExitLoop. There is no ExitLoop in the function in the sample code that you posted:

yeah, u need to have the exit loop in a function... here is an example.. with a GUI and stuff.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>;Functions needed for most GUI Code
GuiCreate("Your GUI", 472, 188);Create GUI Window with the width of 472 and height of 188

$Button_1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 10, 130, 130, 50);Button_1 is the Exit Button
$Button_2 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Execute Script", 250, 100, 210, 80); Button_2 is the Execute Script function

While 1;your LOOP
    $msg = GuiGetMsg();retrieves the button or control that was pressed
    Select; starts a case statement
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE;case statement, its like an if statement but better when you have alot of statements
    ExitLoop; If the program is exited it will exit the loop.
Case $msg = $Button_1
    ExitLoop;Exits the Loop
Case $msg = $Button_2
    ExecuteScript(); goes to the Execute Script function
    EndSelect; ends the case statements

Func ExecuteScript();Creats the Execute Script Function
;Your Code
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
WinClose("Untitled - Notepad")
WinWaitActive("Notepad", "The text in the Untitled file has changed")
...but it does run :-)

i don't get it...

would'nt it be logical for

1 to 2 make it loop once?

because 2-1 = 1

not trying to argue, its just a bit mind boggeling...

From the help file:

The For loop terminates when the value of variable exceeds the stop threshold.

The first time thru the loop $i = 1. The next time thru the loop $i = 2 and the script jumps to the next and continues with the rest of your code.

...hope this helps...

Edited by herewasplato


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I suggest you spend less time guessing and more time actually testing and trying to understand how For...Next works.

Hint: It's called "To" not "Almost To".

:o ... Oh damn, I spit my soda all over the monitor!!

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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i know how for-next loops work... and i know that for $i = 1 to 1 loops once... i was just saying... and yeah, i did'nt meant to put ExitLoop in their i meant to just put Exit... and for tyhe first script where the Exit loop is inside the While statement, i was just pointing something out....

gosh! lol.

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...gosh! lol

Glad that you can laugh it off. You caught a lot of ..... somethin' there.

The other two posts came in while I was writing my rather long post. I should have deleted that post once I saw the "corrections" from others... but I would still suggest that you run the code you post. Just don't hold me to that :-) as I do not always test the code that I post and at times, I post from a system w/o AutoIt3 installed.

...hang in there...


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