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Get arguments of jscript function


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I'm trying to catch arguments from a javascript function


My_js_Fun(0,24,null,true,'abcd',var) as it appear in html source code

Mu goal is to get all these arguments.

I have no succed with this pattern

$array=StringRegExp ( $html, "(My_js_Fun\(.*\)" , 2)

please help me if you have an other solution (maybe with a IE.au3 ) or with an other better solution

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I'm trying to catch arguments from a javascript function


My_js_Fun(0,24,null,true,'abcd',var) as it appear in html source code

Mu goal is to get all these arguments.

I have no succed with this pattern

$array=StringRegExp ( $html, "(My_js_Fun\(.*\)" , 2)

please help me if you have an other solution (maybe with a IE.au3 ) or with an other better solution

i'm not good with regexp either, but there's always more than one way to skin a cat. i would suggest using IE.au3 to read the html code to a string; then parsing out what you want like:

$TheFuncCall = StringInStr($htmlcode, "My_js_Fun(")
$parameters = StringSplit(StringMid($htmlcode, $TheFuncCall + 10, StringLen($htmlcode) - StringInStr(StringRight($htmlcode, StringLen($htmlcode) - $TheFuncCall + 10), ")"), ",")

the forum formatting will probably turn that into several lines, but it's actually just 2. the first identifies the numeric location for the beginning of the function call; that is then used in a couple of places to identify the parameter list, which is seperated by stringsplit and put into array $parameters. $htmlcode is just a representation of whatever variable you use to store the entire contents of the documents's html. the string created using IE.au3 suggestion...

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