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Autoit Error. Dont Now What It Is...

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For a week a go I bought a program from an american sight on the internet.

I had some problems with the program after I bought it, but when I reinstalled

windows it seemed to work. But now i get this strange Error message. Sometimes it comes

just after 2 minutes, but other times it may come after 2 hours. After the message the program jumps out.

I think it may has somthings to do with autoit.

its almost like this:

Autoit Error

Line 0 (File "C:\Documents and settings\My


$DBConnection.Execute("INSERT INTO Retrospect

(Handle, Holes) [0]&","&$HArray[1]&","&$Handle &

","$Holes & ")")^ERROR

Error: The requested action with this object has failed.

Can someone please help me fix this problem and tell me what this is..?

I dont now anything about autoit and scripts..!

thanks for any help..! :)

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Can someone please help me fix this problem and tell me what this is..?

Unknown of any details of the program or who created it so cannot state much. To fix the problem requires the source code. The author would have the source and you may need to contact the author to resolve the problem.
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Autoit Error

Line 0 (File "C:\Documents and settings\My


$DBConnection.Execute("INSERT INTO Retrospect

(Handle, Holes) [0]&","&$HArray[1]&","&$Handle &

","$Holes & ")")^ERROR

Error: The requested action with this object has failed.

I think this program has first connected to a SQL database and then it tries to run a query on it. It puts values in table Retrospect in column Handle and column Holes. But the SQL Server returns a error, which transform to autoit saying "The requested action has failed."

If the program has nothing to do with SQL databases (or read anything from the web) you will probably want to be very careful using this program because it may also send data you don't want to be sent to some server.

In Short: The Query cannot be performed on the database because the Server returns a error.

P.S. This probably isn't one of the best scripted programs because it doesn't have a way to handle errors like that. Which isn't very difficult to do.

Edited by Manadar
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