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FTP Script confusion

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Here is my code greatfully used from other posts and scraps on the site.

#include <FTP.au3>

$server = 'test'

$username = 'test'

$pass = 'test'

$ftp_dir = '/'

$ftp_file_mask = '*.*'

$target_dir = 'c:\patchupdates\'

$l_flags = '0x08000000'

$DownloadNow = MsgBox(4, "Do you want to download the Latest Patches", "Select Yes to continue or No to Quit")

If $DownloadNow = 6 Then

Download();you don't need to use call


; Msgbox(0,"Downloader","unneeded code.")

; Run("OldFile.exe",2)


Func Download()

; ---- Sucht nach der aktuellen Datei ----

; wird mittels FTP3.au gemacht.

; - FTP.au3 Init -

$Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control')

If @error Then Failed("Open Failed")

$Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass, $l_flags)

If @error Then Failed("Connection Failed")

Dim $Handle

Dim $DllRect

$FileInfo = _FtpFileFindFirst($Conn, $ftp_dir & $ftp_file_mask, $Handle, $DllRect)

If $FileInfo[0] Then


;~ MsgBox(0, "Find", $FileInfo[1] & @CR & $FileInfo[2] & @CR & $FileInfo[3] & @CR & $FileInfo[4] & @CR & $FileInfo[5] & @CR & $FileInfo[6] & @CR & $FileInfo[7] & @CR & $FileInfo[8] & @CR & $FileInfo[9] & @CR & $FileInfo[10])

$dl_file = $FileInfo[10]

$FileInfo = _FtpFileFindNext($Handle, $DllRect)

Until Not $FileInfo[0]


_FtpFileFindClose($Handle, $DllRect)

; - FTP Verbindung schließen -



; - ftp-Connect-String bauen

;MsgBox(0,"FTP File", "Lade runter: " & $dl_file)

$ftp_conn_string = "ftp://" & $username & ":" & $pass & "@" & $server & $ftp_dir & $dl_file

;you must set progress on before loop

ProgressOn("Download " & $dl_file,"", "", -1, -1, 16)

InetGet($ftp_conn_string, $target_dir & $dl_file, 1, 1)

; need to divide by 1048576 also, variables that don't change should be outside loop

$FileSize = InetGetSize($ftp_conn_string, )/1048576

While @InetGetActive

$filedownload = round(@InetGetBytesRead/1048576, 2)

$Percent = Round(($filedownload/$FileSize)*100);need to mutliply by 10 to get percentage

ProgressSet($Percent,"Downloaded - " & $filedownload & " Mb")

TrayTip("Downloading...", "Downloaded = " & $filedownload & " Mb", 10, 16)




EndFunc ;==>Download

;$Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control')

;$Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass)

;$Ftpp = _FtpGetFile($Conn, 'patches.zip', 'c:\patchfile\patches.zip')

;$Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open)

So here is the situation and I'll be damned if I've found a bug in Windows Firewall or what.

I have a laptop in which the users only have User capabilities (not even power user). I've written another script to use the RunasSet() and Runwait to execute this program above.

I've Added an exception manually for my program and allowed my ftp server's IP into the XP firewall which is enabled to get around the Active FTP issue.

What I've run into is that I get an undefined variable when the ftp connects and is unable to list the directories (because XP firewall is blocking port 21 according to the pfirewall.log file)

Undefined Variable

$ftp_conn_string = "ftp://" & $username & ":" & $pass & "@" & $server & $ftp_dir & $dl_file

$ftp_conn_string = "ftp://" & $username & ":" & $pass & "@" & $server & $ftp_dir & ^ERROR

If I continue to run the program one right after another, on about the 5th or 6th try it connects and downloads the file with no problem (which is reproducable).

I am really confused as to 1 - why i can't get PASV working above and 2 - Why the hell it works if I keep trying...seems like a buffer overflow in the XP firewall or something.

If I run with the XP Firewall off, it works everytime. Anyone have any idea's?

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First this is not the Suppoert forum and then maybe your windows firewall blocks au3 files on connecting to ftps ---

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scripts : _Encrypt UDF_UniquePCCode UDF MS like calculatorInstall programm *UPDATED* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[quote name='Helge' post='213117' date='Jul 26 2006, 10:22 AM']Have you ever tried surfing the internet with a milk-carton ?This is similar to what you're trying to do.[/quote]

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First this is not the Suppoert forum and then maybe your windows firewall blocks au3 files on connecting to ftps ---

Oops, spent too many hours working on it and clicked the wrong area by mistake. Sorry about that.

I am compiling into an exe and its an active FTP issue that I am running into. The funny part is that by using a loop I can get the server to suddenly work using active FTP just by retrying multiple times...possibly overflowing the firewall.

I've changed my script to use http instead for now until i can figure out the FTP piece.

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