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Surf to website, fill in a form, get data without opening browser?

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this is what my program does when it has to fetch data from a website:

Step 1:

Open an invisible IE window and it surfes to a website:


$oIE = _IECreate(0)
_IENavigate($oIE, 'http://localhost/~ OSS ~/search.php')


Step 2:

Fill in a form, submit the form, get the source and quit IE:


$oIE.document.forms(0).elements(0).value = $y
$source = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE)


Step 3:

Puts the source in a txt-file:


$filec = _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Files\test.txt")
$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Files\test.txt", 1)   
FileWrite($file, $source)


This works perfectly, but the process iexplore.exe is running when the program is fetching the data, it isn't visible, but now i want to make the first two steps (Step 1 and Step 2) even without iexplore.exe... So my question is, how can I mak this? Is it possible with DLL files or some other things?



//Edit, in my script i use v1.0 of DaleHohm's IE.au3, i prefer this version to v2.0

Edited by Noobster24
Programs so far:Teh Serializer - Search for licenses for Nero - Windows - Office - Alcohol etc.
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Okay, now i have this script so far:

$dll = DllOpen ("C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll")
$param1 = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
$go = DllCall ($dll, "int", "InternetOpen", "str", $param1, "str", $param2)

But how can i find the handle returned by InternetOpen? Because the 'InternetOpenUrl' needs the handle returned by InternetOpen...

Edited by Noobster24
Programs so far:Teh Serializer - Search for licenses for Nero - Windows - Office - Alcohol etc.
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