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Send function not reaching window

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While writing a script the other day I had a Send() function in it that would keep sending CTRL '^' in a loop. Now if I started the script outside the window I could tell it was sending, but once I clicked into the window or ran it while in the window, it just didn't seem to react to the CTRL key. I also tried using a ControlSend() but I couldn't get a Control ID, even with using the AutoIt Window Info Tool. Anyone have a clue that could help me send to this window? I tried using things like PermEdit thinking maybe my script just didn't have permission and it didn't work.

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What kind of window are you sending it to?

Some internet games have script guards to prevent people from attempting to cheat. Not sure if this what your script is for, just some food for thought.

Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling.Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.

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If I'm correct in assuming, Maple Story is protected by Game Guard is it not?

Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling.Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.

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Sending keys to the windows and running it as a window are two very different things to nProtect. It is there to prevent commands that are not sent by the user. There may be a work around, there may not be. This is up for you to find out, unless there is something wrong with your script. There have been numerous threads devoted to GG and nProtect probably works around the same basis.

Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling.Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.

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