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How to open a properties window completely hidden


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I would like to open the properties of a file, but completely hidden.

How can I do this?

The code I've been trying is shown below, with this I can get the properties dialog to open and then hide it, but then you still can see it for half a second. I want to never be able to see it.



Opt("WinWaitDelay", 5)

; Path to any shortcut
$PATH = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office\Microsoft Office Excel 2003.lnk"

; Get various parts of the file I want
$MINUSPATH = StringInStr($PATH, "\", 0, -1)
$LINK = StringTrimLeft($PATH, $MINUSPATH)
$LEN = StringLen($LINK)
$MINUSDOT = StringInStr($LINK, ".", 0, -1)
$NAME = StringTrimRight($LINK, $LEN - $MINUSDOT + 1)
$LEN = StringLen($PATH)
$NEWPATH = StringTrimRight($PATH, $LEN - $MINUSPATH + 1)

; Create the objects and invoke the verb
$objShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")
$objFolder = $objShell.Namespace($NEWPATH)
$objFolderItem = $objFolder.ParseName($LINK)

;Wait for the properties window and set transparent
WinWait($NAME & " Properties")
WinSetTrans($NAME& " Properties", "", 0)

$details = FileGetShortcut($PATH)
$TITLE = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 102)
$TARGETLOC = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 13065)
$TARGET = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 13058)


WinClose($NAME& " Properties")

I'm hoping there's an easier way.

By the way, I do know about FileGetShortcut($PATH) however this does not give me all the info I want, which so far I've only been able to find through the properties dialog.



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I should mention I've tried several other methods to get this info (see http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=395921 ), including the shellexecute with the properties verb... with no luck.

But I took the code you suggested and aded a bit to it:

$NAME = "Microsoft Office Excel 2003"
$FilePath = FileGetShortcut(@ProgramsCommonDir&'\Microsoft Office\Microsoft Office Excel 2003.lnk')
ShellExecute($FilePath[0], '', '', 'properties', @SW_HIDE)

WinWait($NAME & " Properties")
$TITLE = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 102)
$TARGETLOC = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 13065)
$TARGET = ControlGetText($NAME& " Properties", "", 13058)

MsgBox(0, "test", $TITLE & @CRLF & $TARGETLOC & @CRLF & $TARGET)

WinClose($NAME & " Properties")

Tried this and get two errors... see attached.

My guess is I get these because it is an advertised shortcut?





Edited by mattw112
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