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Automating a Flash program


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Dear All,

I am new to AutoIt. Please kindly bear with my silly questions.

I have a flash program that consists of a lot of different sub-programmes. People are expected to play the sub-programmes accoding to a specific sequence. I am trying to control the sequence of runing the sub-programmes. As the sub-programmes may terminate at a different time in each session, it is rather difficult to control the timing of the sequence. So, it is necessary to control thr sequence using onEvent type of control. However, I cannot get any "Control ID" information within the Flash player using the "AutoIt Windows Info" utility. The only information that I've is the Title of the window runing the Flash program. I can launch the Flash program and control it using a series of MouseClick() command at some particular coordinates that correspond to the local of the buttons within the Flash program. As I said, I have no idea when I should move onto the next game without knowing the user input.

Here are my questions:

Is it possible to get any control information from within the Flash program?

I read some posts regarding the use the IE.au3 for playing Flash program. I wonder what IE.au3 is please.

Thanks a lot.


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Is it possible to get any control information from within the Flash program?

No. Much like DirectX and OpenGL games, "controls" are not implemented by the developers. If it's not mouse movement or keyboard commands you are out of luck unless the programmer has exposed some other interface like a dll.

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