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Some help conceptually with autoIT script and MySQL


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Hi guys -

I have a conceptual question not a coding one - sorry if this is in the wrong forum :S

i have a proram that responds to an event (if cd inserted) on my clients (100 approx) - in this program i have a section that, at the moment, refers to a access data file that write when the device was inserted, and what user did so, and logs some info, what is also does is check the same db for an allowed token (true false column in db) then either allows or doesnt allow this cd.

I like it - i impressed myself with this program haha.

My question now is that in the TEST lab its great - i only tested this with 2 concurrent users so ofcourse it worked, however i think that in the real world implmentation ill need to change some things - like db type (move to mySQL).

My question is two pronged:

Is having multiple clients scripting against a db a bad idea? As in should i move to having 2 programs, one on cleint passing data to server program which would then interogate DB or let cleints interogate from there?

If i do move to mySQL which i believe ill have to do i need to install that patch (The MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER) on ALL clients, or only on the server hosting the MySQL DB?

Thanks for the input everyone!

EDIT: Sorry error with UDF was my fault - i apologise however below is a non-critical error in scite i see .. i dont know what it means?

Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit

Edited by amfony
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