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FTP.au3 Problem..

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>C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\au3check.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\prog.au3"
AutoIt3 Syntax Checker v1.54.8  Copyright (c) Tylo 2007

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(15,176) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE  = 0x00000020;The file or directory is an archive file or directory. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(16,265) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = 0x00000800;The file or directory is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed.For a directory, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(17,89) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x00000010;The handle identifies a directory. 
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(18,254) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED = 0x00004000;The file or directory is encrypted.For a file, this means that all data in the file is encrypted. For a directory, this means that encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(19,136) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x00000002;The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(20,154) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080;The file or directory does not have other attributes set. This attribute is valid only when used alone.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(21,179) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE = 0x00001000;The file data is not available immediately. This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(23,216) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x00000001;The file or directory is read-only. For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.For a directory, applications cannot delete it.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(24,113) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = 0x00000400;The file or directory has an associated reparse point. 

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(25,84) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE  = 0x00000200;The file is a sparse file. 
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(26,170) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 0x00000004;The file or directory is part of the operating system, or the operating system uses the file or directory exclusively. 

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(27,220) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = 0x00000100; The file is being used for temporary storage. File systems attempt to keep all of the data in memory for quick access, rather than flushing it back to mass storage. 


C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\prog.au3 - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>Exit code: 2   Time: 0.439

I get that when i syntax check my script..

I started getting it after i updated my autoit, rolling back doesn't seem to fix it. Unless i just don't know what to roll back to.

It happens to my friend also when he does a syntax check also, so I know its not my script.


I rolled back to and it works now..

But this should be fixed for the newer versions..

Edited by houseonfire
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>C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\au3check.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\prog.au3"
AutoIt3 Syntax Checker v1.54.8  Copyright (c) Tylo 2007

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(15,176) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE  = 0x00000020;The file or directory is an archive file or directory. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(16,265) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = 0x00000800;The file or directory is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed.For a directory, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(17,89) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x00000010;The handle identifies a directory. 
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(18,254) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED = 0x00004000;The file or directory is encrypted.For a file, this means that all data in the file is encrypted. For a directory, this means that encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(19,136) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x00000002;The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(20,154) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080;The file or directory does not have other attributes set. This attribute is valid only when used alone.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(21,179) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE = 0x00001000;The file data is not available immediately. This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(23,216) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x00000001;The file or directory is read-only. For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.For a directory, applications cannot delete it.


C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(24,113) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = 0x00000400;The file or directory has an associated reparse point. 

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(25,84) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE  = 0x00000200;The file is a sparse file. 
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(26,170) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 0x00000004;The file or directory is part of the operating system, or the operating system uses the file or directory exclusively. 

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\ftp.au3(27,220) : ERROR: $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY previously declared as a 'Const'
Global Const $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = 0x00000100; The file is being used for temporary storage. File systems attempt to keep all of the data in memory for quick access, rather than flushing it back to mass storage. 


C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\prog.au3 - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>Exit code: 2   Time: 0.439

I get that when i syntax check my script..

I started getting it after i updated my autoit, rolling back doesn't seem to fix it. Unless i just don't know what to roll back to.

It happens to my friend also when he does a syntax check also, so I know its not my script.


I rolled back to and it works now..

But this should be fixed for the newer versions..

The later versions of AutoIt have more constants defined. Ones that are already defined must not be declared again so you need to remove the declarations in ftp.au3, which is not part of the AutoIt installation or upgrade, as listed in the error messages.
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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