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Ok here it is:

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="middle">

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td height="57" colspan="3" valign="bottom" style="background: url('images/ui/ftop.gif') no-repeat center bottom" align="center">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr valign="top" nowrap>
<td ><img src="images/int/tab02.gif" width="35" height="32" alt=""><br></td>
<td class="tab2">Romm</td>
<td ><img src="images/int/tab20.gif" width="35" height="32" alt=""><br></td>

<td _width="40%" class="fbgl" valign="top">
<div style="background: url('images/ui/bg-lt1.gif') no-repeat right top"><img src="images/d.gif" width="36" height="100" alt=""><br></div>
</td><td width="603" rowspan="2" style="background: url('images/sand4.gif')" valign="top">

<table width="603" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr style="background: url('images/sand4.gif')">
<td width="300" valign="top">
<div style="height: 54px; background: url('/images/ui/zav.gif') no-repeat top">
<img src="images/d.gif" width="1" height="16" alt="" border="0"><br>

<div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div><div class="artslot0" style="margin-left: 1px;"><img src="/images/d.gif" border=0></a><br></div></div>

So what i want. Script must find hp, hpmax, mp, mpmax value.

For example if hp=69&hpMax=69&hpT=0&mp=69&mpMax=69 (in html)

I get

$hp = 69

$hpmax = 69


$mpmax = 69

Edited by Romm
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I did this to get what I needed:

$read = HTML code
$sttc = StringInStr($read, '>Comments</font></u', 0);Marker in front of area of string I need - Needs to be unique!
$Stringcutleft = StringTrimLeft($read, $sttc)
$sttc2 = StringInStr($Stringcutleft, '</font>', 0, 3);Marker after the string I need - Needs to be unique or first occurance!
$Stringcutleft2 = StringTrimLeft($Stringcutleft, $sttc2 + 6); Cuts the left side to the beginning of the string I need.
$sttc3 = StringInStr($Stringcutleft2, '<FONT', 0)
$stringlenth = StringLen($Stringcutleft2)
$Stringcutright = StringTrimRight($Stringcutleft2, $stringlenth - ($sttc3 - 1))Cuts the right side to the end of the string I need.

$Stringcutright is the string I needed

Someone may have a better method, but this works.

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