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Access DB Insert Help

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I'm trying to insert some data into an access database with the code below and get an error:

==> The requested action with this object has failed.:

$oRec.Open("INSERT INTO CallRecord (CallRecord_AlarmNumber) VALUES (2)",$oADO)

$oRec.Open("INSERT INTO CallRecord (CallRecord_AlarmNumber) VALUES (2)",$oADO)^ ERROR

Ideas? This is my first attempt at inserting data into a DB, so I could be doing it totally wrong.

Thanks in Advance

$oADO = _dbOpen($Database)
$oRec = _dbOpenRecordset()

$oRec.Open("INSERT INTO CallRecord (CallRecord_AlarmNumber) VALUES (2)",$oADO)
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$oADO = _dbOpen($Database)
$oRec = _dbOpenRecordset()

$oRec.Open("SELECT * FROM CallRecord",$oADO)
$oRec("CallRecord_AlarmNumber") = '2'

I don't know the functions or how they work in autoit since I only used db access with vb6 so the code might not be correct but you get the overall idea.

Also, it could be a problem with your connection

Edited by Misha
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$oADO = _dbOpen($Database)
$oRec = _dbOpenRecordset()

$oRec.Open("SELECT * FROM CallRecord",$oADO)
$oRec("CallRecord_AlarmNumber") = '2'

I don't know the functions or how they work in autoit since I only used db access with vb6 so the code might not be correct but you get the overall idea.

Also, it could be a problem with your connection

Tried this and now get the error:

==> The requested action with this object has failed.:


$oRec.AddNew^ ERROR

I did make sure I had the db closed within Access. I'm able to read from the db without problem.


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OPEN - Opens a record set in 4 different ways: Select - shows you a list of items if nothing is specefied it just shows you the list of items; DELETE/INSERT obvious and update, the line you input in the open is a sql line that specefies what you want.

Addnew - adds a new record with empty fields.

Error came because I used addnew in a wrong way

_AccessConnectConn($s_dbname, $o_adoCon, $i_adoMDB, $USRName, $PWD);replace things here
$o_adoRs = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")

$oRec.Open("SELECT * FROM CallRecord",$o_adoCon)
$oRec.Fields("CallRecord_AlarmNumber").value = '2'

Fixed it abit *warning might not work since my skills are shit.

Edited by Misha
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OPEN - Opens a record set in 4 different ways: Select - shows you a list of items if nothing is specefied it just shows you the list of items; DELETE/INSERT obvious and update, the line you input in the open is a sql line that specefies what you want.

Addnew - adds a new record with empty fields.

Error came because I used addnew in a wrong way

_AccessConnectConn($s_dbname, $o_adoCon, $i_adoMDB, $USRName, $PWD);replace things here
$o_adoRs = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")

$oRec.Open("SELECT * FROM CallRecord",$o_adoCon)
$oRec.Fields("CallRecord_AlarmNumber").value = '2'

Fixed it abit *warning might not work since my skills are shit.

Didn't work same error...
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I figured out why my first attempt didn't work. It was because I had some required fields in the db. I corrected that and it now does the INSERT.

However I get an error:

==> The requested action with this object has failed.:


$oRec.Close^ ERROR

I'm still missing something. :)

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