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Run PC changes on Login - Second Request for Help

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In a previous post I had asked about running changes to a PC on Login when the person only has "User" rights to the PC. Some one gave me this command line:

$exitcode = RunAsWait($username, $domain, $password, 0, $filename, @ScriptDir)

the executible ($filename) never fired off unless I used the "RunWait($Filename)" inside the command line. However, the process doesn't quite work. I get through the script (had message boxes that showed the script ran. Yet the file I'm trying to copy to the "C:Windows" directory never gets copied. I even tried to add the "SetACL.exe" command to assign rights to the C:\Windows folder, but that doesn't seem to work either. The "Msgbox" statement - "If FileExists($Destination & $FileName) Then MsgBox(1,"","File Copied")" - never fires off and no file is found in the C:\windows directory.

This is the script that is run from the "RunWait($Filename)" inside the command line.


;This statement reads data from the referenced INI file to set the paramenter shown.

Dim $Location

Dim $Destination

Dim $FileName

If @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Then

;This statement reads data from the referenced INI file to set the paramenter shown.

$Destination = IniRead ( @ScriptDir & "\ClientLogo.ini", "LogoData", "Destination2", "default" )

ElseIf @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" or @OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Then

;This statement reads data from the referenced INI file to set the paramenter shown.

$Destination = IniRead ( @ScriptDir & "\ClientLogo.ini", "LogoData", "Destination1", "default" )


$FileName = IniRead ( @ScriptDir & "\ClientLogo.ini", "LogoData", "FileName", "default" )

$Location = @ScriptDir & "\" & $FileName

If not FileExists($Destination & $FileName) Then

MsgBox(1,"",@ScriptDir & "\" & $FileName & " Copied to: " & $Destination)

Dim $ALCSET = @ScriptDir & "\SetACL.exe"

Dim $test = ' -on "C:\Windows" -ot file -actn ace n:' & @ComputerName & '\users;p:full'

RunWait($ALCSET & $test, @SystemDir)

FileCopy($Location, $Destination, 9)

MsgBox(1,"","Step 1a")

If FileExists($Destination & $FileName) Then MsgBox(1,"","File Copied")


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when you do the check for fileexist, just do this to see what is happening -

msgbox(0, "", fileexist($Destination & $FileName))

this will give a prompt letting you know if your script path is corret or not. Using a "IF" statement is not the best way to go when you need to do a simple check. With this check, you should get either a 1 or a 0. 1 being it is there, 0 not there.

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