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Help getting syntax for spambox.us

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I've made a script that automates retrieving a "spambox" address from www.spambox.us.

The way I have it working right now is it loads IE in the background, types in the info to a form and submits the form.

This feels very crude to me and I was wondering if someone could help me get the syntax to submit in the web address to generate a spambox.

Func GenMail()
Dim $login = "test@email.com"
Dim $time = "1";1= 30min, 2= 1 hour, 3= 12 hours, 4= 1 day, 5= 1 week, 6= 1 month, 7= 6 months, 8= 1 year
$oIE = _IEcreate("www.spambox.us/about.php","",0)

$oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE,0)
$oText = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "email")
$oTime = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "lifetime")
_IEFormElementSetValue($oText, $login, 0)
_IEFormElementOptionselect ($oTime, $time, 1, "byIndex")


$readMail = _IEBodyReadText ( $oIE )
$foundMailx = _StringBetween($readMail, "mail","will expire")
$foundMail = StringStripWS ( $foundMailx[0], 8 )


That is my current code, but I was hoping someone would be able to figure out what query i could put in the URL to spambox.us/generate.php to get a box to generate without all the form filling nonsense.


Edited by Distrophy
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