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Interested in programming at a higher level


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I've programmed for years, but never really had the time to learn the real difficult stuff. I know all about hex, memory editing, things like that, and have made basic programs. However, I've never really been able to figure out how .DLLs work, or how to work with packets. I think these two concepts would really bring my abilities to a better level.

Does anyone know a good tutorial or place to learn DLLs and Packets?

edit: For DLLs, I'm interested in how to create them and how to insert them into a program to modify how it works. Trying to make my tradebot more sleek, and implement a chat filter.

Edited by Gar
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Well I don't know the first thing about packets, so I'm not sure I can even answer that question. I suppose it would be whatever packet an online game sends and receives. I did get a Packet.au3 script from here but it was mostly incomprehensible to me.

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That's what he asked. You kept saying "packet" but that was too vague. It could have been a packet of sugar or a packet of papers. You meant internet things, right? AutoIt can natively do networking.

You'll need to understand whatever protocol that you use to do anything network related. If you access a webpage, you'll likely need to know HTTP or FTP. Etc.

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Yep, as Richard said, your best choice to seize networking knowledge is to start up on HTML and FTP languages/protocols (if you didn't already digg into those.)

There are great things to learn on the subject. Just recently I've started developlments on remote synchronizations and such. You'll be able to produce best results when you find a project where you need to implement a huge array of skills - ranging from AutoIt, HTML, PHP to FTP, file sending and etc.

But happens to me all the time, I'm pretty skilled with some advanced stuff, but I miss out on simple ones and vice versa.

Good luck :)

carpe diem

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