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Hello I am a bit new to Autoit coding but I am learning and doing pretty well, so far I have made a couple of very good programs.

Anyway, I wanted to ask if functions run alongside with the script, or if they interupt the script and do their fuction before continuing with the main script? For example if I have a script that hits the hotkey to activate a function that lasts 5 seconds, will the main script continue running while the function is still finishing up?

Thanks for the help ahead of time.

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Multi-Threaded programs can be implemented into Autoit just the case where you have to do extra checks because of it. By using DLL calls you can create another threaded or multiple threads. The case where you program another script and compile it all within one script is perfectly legal and can do its job just as well just they aren't multi-threaded so you got to learn how application talks to another application.

Search up "Multi Threaded Application" to get the details on threads. "Application Communication" could be another one but it is communication between two application that you are looking for


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