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Help me find an error in my "script"

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Hi guys, me again

i am trying to get my script working.... when i take screen shot of certain area of my screen i want to read it and search for 1 pixel inside.

So i took some examples from this forum but i still cant get it wroking...

Were is my code:

global $colorrepot = "4227644700"



$hBitmap = _ScreenCapture_Capture("",539,638,558,654,False)

$hImage = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hBitmap)


TrayTip("Pixel Color",$pixel,1) ; <- this is only for my info and will be removed later on



until $pixel=$colorrepot




call("function1") ;


func _GDIPlus_BitmapGetPixel($hBitmap, $iX, $iY)

Local $tArgb, $pArgb, $aRet

$tArgb = DllStructCreate("dword Argb")

$pArgb = DllStructGetPtr($tArgb)

$aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapGetPixel", "hwnd", $hBitmap, "int", $iX, "int", $iY, "ptr", $pArgb)

Return DllStructGetData($tArgb, "Argb")

EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_BitmapGetPixel

So...my question is what sould i fix so i will get CORRECT readings from this -> ("",539,638,558,654,False) region?

ty all for your help!

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Wouldn't it be easier to just use the built-in function PixelGetColor()? Unless there's a particular reason you want to work with GDI+ instead of GDI...

because of built in anti cheat software you can get cour from main windows (it returns black or "0000000" all the time).

So what i need is to take a screen shot of a particular region, analyize it and then act acordingly.

So atm my problem is that i take screen shot, i search for the colour but it kinda doesnt work.

I need help from someone who knows how to fix this.

(allso i cant find some function of GDI+ in my help file :S )

anyway someone plz take a look at my script


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First of all, I don't recognize "GdipBitmapGetPixel" as a standard GDI+ function. I found it here, described as part of the "flat API", which the MSDN recommends against using directly:


Second of all you don't have $ghGDIPDll defined anywhere (the handle to the DLL which contains the function above.) According to the above link this should be a handle to the DLL "gdiplus.dll".

I also noticed the first parameter to this function is a pointer to bitmap, not a handle to a window. So I think what you'll have to do is grab a bitmap of the window based on the hwnd, and then pass THAT as the parameter to your function.

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First of all, I don't recognize "GdipBitmapGetPixel" as a standard GDI+ function. I found it here, described as part of the "flat API", which the MSDN recommends against using directly:


Second of all you don't have $ghGDIPDll defined anywhere (the handle to the DLL which contains the function above.) According to the above link this should be a handle to the DLL "gdiplus.dll".

I also noticed the first parameter to this function is a pointer to bitmap, not a handle to a window. So I think what you'll have to do is grab a bitmap of the window based on the hwnd, and then pass THAT as the parameter to your function.

all right got it working now.

Thx for your help mate =)

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