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unable to send keystroke to popup window

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Good afternoon. I am attempting to configure a piece of software and need to interact with a popup window but am unable to with my limited knowledge of autoit. I have the software install scripted but am having this issue when trying to simply send a "yes" to an error or popup window. I open a treeview in the installed software with the following code:

#include <GuiTreeView.au3>

WinWaitActive('Ingres Visual DBA [II]','List of Virtual Nodes')
ControlTreeView("Ingres Visual DBA [II]", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:1]", "Expand", "Nodes")

This works as expected and a popup occurs which is also expected to continue the config however I am unable to send a keystroke to this popup window through autoit but can send a manual keyboard keystroke to it. I am able to get info from the Window tool on this popup but am at a crossroads on how to interact with it and everything i've tried has failed to get a focus on the window. Neither a send or controlsend work and WinWaitActive and WinActivate have no effect on the window. I'm not sure if anyone is able to assist but thanks in advance anyways. Have a great weekend.

Here's the Window Info:

>>>> Window <<<<

Title: Error

Class: #32770

Position: 155, 228

Size: 503, 133

Style: 0x94C801C5

ExStyle: 0x00010101

Handle: 0x002601BE

>>>> Control <<<<

Class: Button

Instance: 1

ClassnameNN: Button1

Advanced (Class): [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]

ID: 6

Text: &Yes

Position: 170, 67

Size: 75, 23

ControlClick Coords: 44, 17

Style: 0x50030001

ExStyle: 0x00000004

Handle: 0x001E01B2

>>>> Mouse <<<<

Position: 372, 341

Cursor ID: 2

Color: 0xECE9D8

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<



Your Ingres Installation must be started before trying to get the list of nodes or connect.

Do you want to start it now ?

(If not, you only will be able to load an environment)

>>>> Hidden Text <<<<


Edited by surferdog
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What about:

$sText = 'Your Ingres Installation must be started before trying to get ' & _
        'the list of nodes or connect.' & @CRLF & 'Do you want to start it now ?' & _
        @CRLF & '(If not, you only will be able to load an environment)'

WinWaitActive('Error', $sText)
$hWnd = WinGetHandle('Error', $sText)
ControlClick($hWnd, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]')
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Don't think so. I think it's what Jos is pointing on, probably because the MessageBox API is called with the the first parameter set to the window's handle (it's now a child of it in other words) the Win* functions can see him by default. That can be examined using WinSpy to see the windows hierarchic of the process.

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