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About SumTingWong

  • Birthday 04/22/1971

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    My custom member title
  • Location
    London, UK

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  1. SumTingWong


    You should also add it to the profanity filter.
  2. Nothing better to do so here's my version of Tetris. - Added hotkeys Tetris.au3
  3. Only if you want to play around with the logon type and provider. Have a look on MSDN for more info.
  4. This plugin will spawn a worker thread to do the searching and allow you to extract its search results without waiting for the search thread to finish. SearchPathPlugin.dll test.au3 SearchPathPlugin_src.zip
  5. The way I cobbled it together, it's not really suitable as a UDF as you have to insert your own code into the middle. Feel free to come up of a better way of presenting the code.
  6. From help file: You can split your admin function into a separate script and use RunAsSet and RunWait to run this script. Alternatively, have a look at this snippet http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...topic=14710&hl=
  7. Or ;.... Two() ;.... Func Two() ;.... $OpenFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & '\' & $File, 0) If $OpenFile = -1 Then Return FileOpenError() ;.... ;.... EndFunc Func FileOpenError() MsgBox(262160, "ERROR", "Unable to open file.") Return $YourReturnCode ;Exit - will dump me out of the script which I don't want EndFunc
  8. Makes sense to me. At the moment, without resorting to using checkboxes as suggested, I am having to use ControlListView to enumerate selected items.
  9. Could someone run this code in beta 87 and confirm the results I am getting? ListView is multi-select so select a few items before clicking on Test. #include <GUIConstants.au3> Dim $lviTestItems[10] GUICreate("MyGUI", 200, 400) $lvTest = GUICtrlCreateListView("Header1", 20, 20, 160, 320, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT)) For $i = 0 To 9 $lviTestItems[$i] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Test " & $i, $lvTest) Next $btnTest = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test", 20, 360, 80, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $btnTest For $i = 0 To 9 $aItem = GUICtrlRead($lviTestItems[$i], 1) ConsoleWrite($aItem[0] & "," & $aItem[1] & @LF) Next EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() This is what I am getting: Test 0,-1 Test 1,-1 Test 2,-1 Test 3,-1 Test 4,-1 Test 5,-1 Test 6,-1 Test 7,-1 Test 8,-1 Test 9,-1 According to the help file: From the results I am getting, 2 things are wrong. Firstly, ListViewItem needs to be added to the default table as follows: Also, change the ListViewItem entry in the Remarks section to say The text of the ListViewItem Second, the state value is always -1 regardless of whether the item is selected or not.
  10. $sFormattedFileName = StringFormat("%04d %s", $nCounter, $sFileName)
  11. Change this bit: $Combo_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 30, 180, 21) $Combo_2 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Central|Mountain|Arizona|Pacific|Alaska|Hawaii","Central") to: $Combo_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 30, 180, 21) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Central|Mountain|Arizona|Pacific|Alaska|Hawaii","Central")
  12. This is how you should be calling it: $handle = PluginOpen(@ScriptDir & "\InGroup.dll") ; user administrator in local group Administrators? ConsoleWrite(InGroup("Administrators", "administrator") & @LF) ; user SumTingWong in domain group Domain Users? ConsoleWrite(InGroup("Domain Users", "SumTingWong") & @LF) PluginClose($handle) If you are using Scite, just skip the syntax check error.
  13. I haven't actually needed to use it myself but I know colleagues who have used it to run compiled AutoIT scripts as services and it does work.
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