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  1. Thanks Yashied I just saw your response because I was busy trying to solve the problem and since I only need to goto line in SciTE, I came out with this (see below) It works in any resolution, zoom and window size and position (at least so far) I haven't try yours yet, but I'm almost sure it will work (not sure it will work in Scite). I really appreciate your help. By the way, you guys in Moscow need a lesson or two in English because I'm sure you meant "busy" instead of "lazy" local $Line = 20 _move_caret_SciTE($Line) Func _move_caret_SciTE($moveL) Local $L1, $L2, $Ydiff, $yMove Opt("CaretCoordMode", 2) ControlSend("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", "Scintilla1", "^{home}") $L1 = WinGetCaretPos() ControlSend("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", "Scintilla1", "{down}") $L2 = WinGetCaretPos() $Ydiff = ($L2[1] - $L1[1]) $yMove = ($moveL - 1) * $Ydiff Sleep(300) ControlClick("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", "Scintilla1", "left", 1, $L1[0], $yMove) EndFunc ;==>_move_caret
  2. Thanks again maybe I'm not making myself clear, I want to move the caret to line 20 and column 5 for instance, on an equally spaced font. how do I translate this into a number of characters since different lines have different amount of characters?. your example adds all characters per line until it reaches 2217 then moves the caret there. What I really want is to move the caret to a specific line and a specific column in autoit editor. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the replay but this functions do not move the caret to a line and column, they move the caret by caracter index. Any other ideas??
  4. is there a function like _moveCaret($handle,"line","column") ??????? or a method to do so??
  5. I know you can find the line number at the cursor(caret) with "@ScriptLineNumber" but how can you MOVE the cursor(caret) to a specific line number in SciTE (w/o using "go to line window") from an autoit exe. thanks in advance Al Anyone?? at least let me know if its possible
  6. thanks Auth I'll try as soon as I comeback from a 10 day business trip. Al
  7. Thanks John, but..... your original script works fine when opening an existing book or creating a new book and then activate the cell from autoit. The problem is that the workbook is already open then select a cell with the mouse and when I run the script it will get the cell row number and process it. When you script a line in excel macro like [row1=selection.cells.row] works fine, why can't this work in autoit?---- $row=$oExcel.selection.cells.row The second problem is when I open (from excel) another book and try to do the same, then I get the wrong (previous) book name. I hope that you or anyone can solve this because I'm lost. thanks again Al
  8. yes I do, but how do you know that????? follow this: 1- I create book1 from scratch after reboot 2- run the script 3- $title is book1.xlsx, isObj=1, $oExcel.name=book1.xlsx 4- then "$Row = $oExcel.selection.cells.row" returns an error (a=selection.cells.row works in excel) then 1- open book2 2- title=book2 3- isObj=1 4- but $oExcel.name=book1.xlsx not book2 ???????????????? 5- after that who cares by the way i'm using excel 2007 which sucks!!! help...script follows ;---------------------------- #include <Excel.au3> ;----------------------------- $title = WinGetTitle('Microsoft Excel') MsgBox(0, "", $title) $oExcel = _ExcelBookAttach($title, "Title") ;with $s_mode = "Title" ==> Title of the Excel window MsgBox(0, "", IsObj($oExcel)) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "If you can read this, then Success!", 1, 1) ;Write to the Cell Sleep(2000) WinActivate($title) MsgBox(0, "", $oExcel.name) $Row = $oExcel.selection.cells.row ;ActiveCell.Row ;Gets row $Column = $oExcel.selection.cells.column ;ActiveCell.Column ; Gets Column $val = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $Row, $Column) MsgBox(0, "", $val) ;--------------------------------
  9. John Sorry to bother you again, I modify your script as follows, but it doesn't work for me (it assumes a workbook is already open and a cell "A1" is selected with the mouse and with value="John"). Can you get it to run? What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance Al ;---------------------------- #include <Excel.au3> ;----------------------------- $title = WinGetTitle('Microsoft Excel') $oExcel = _ExcelBookAttach($title, "Title") ;with $s_mode = "Title" ==> Title of the Excel window MsgBox(0, "", IsObj($oExcel)) Sleep(2000) WinActivate($title) $Row = $oExcel.ActiveCell.Row ;Gets row $Column = $oExcel.ActiveCell.Column ; Gets Column $val = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $Row, $Column) MsgBox(0, "", $val) ;--------------------------------
  10. Thanks Melba it works but the funny thing is that I was messing arround with the same functions before and I couldn't get them to work. I'll have to study your script and find my error. Thanks again Al
  11. Happy to hear it. Please mark your original post with [sOLVED] or [RESOLVED] Al
  12. I'm sorry I should said "within the desktop" (change the position coordinates) in pixels from (x,y) to (x1,y1) How do I select and drag it without knowing the original position
  13. I want to move a link in my desktop from one place to another. can somebody point me in the right direction? Al
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