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  1. Would be amazing if this tool could include directories and files inside main directory, and of course reconstruct in @tempdir Wanted to include a portable app with my script.
  2. guinness Thank you, so I went back to my original code, which worked, it was simply removing that width. That was killing me. Thank you so much. I have changed to Global
  3. I am using version The issue is not blinking, the first time I move my mouse onto (near) the checkbox it disappears forever. Thank you guinness for your code, but I have the same exact result.
  4. I am trying to build a GUI that will show a checkbox if a particular file exists. If the file does not exist, the checkbox is hidden. The code below sort of works. This is stripped down from a much larger project. When I run this if a file named test.txt is not on the desktop, no checkbox. If the file is there, then the checkbox appears. However, the checkbox disappears for good as soon as I move my mouse over it or on the same horizontal plane as the checkbox. Hoping someone can help. ;-----------------------------INCLUDES---------------------------------------------------------- #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ;------------------------------VARIABLES-------------------------------------------------------- Dim $extrabutton, $adsi, $main, $add_adsi, $select, $msg ;------------------------------MAIN-------------------------------------------------------- Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) $main = GUICreate("Purpose", 380, 270) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Identify the reason", 55, 10) $select = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select", 145, 230, 90) $adsi = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Enable ADSI",15,190,375) $extrabutton = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Enable sweetness",100,190,375) GUICtrlSetState($extrabutton,$gui_hide) If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\test.txt') Then GUICtrlSetState($extrabutton,$gui_show) EndIf GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ExitLoop Case $msg = $select And GUICtrlRead($adsi) = $GUI_CHECKED $add_adsi = True ContinueCase EndSelect WEnd
  5. Would like to add a few comments. Really like your app, nicely done. Would it be possible to edit a message, say you made a mistake in typing? Also, when the message is selected, you see a lot of info on the right, which is great, but you can't see the phone number. This also happens when printing the message, you don't get the phone number. Actually, I can't retrieve the phone number anywhere, am I missing something? Would also be nice to open the last saved file. Great work, very impressed.
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