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  1. Looks like the "solution" unfortunately is to build the GUI directly with winforms, like here. http://bytecookie.wordpress.com/2011/07/17/gui-creation-with-powershell-the-basics/ Probably will work better in the long run anyways, just not as familiar with it.
  2. The organization I work for uses Quest Active Roles to track changes. From a technical level, I believe you get "access is denied" when attempting to use regular powershell AD commands, and from an administrative, we would want any script we use to have the history recorded by ActiveRoles. Using powershell I can add the quest.activeroles.admanagement pssnapin, which gives access to a whole bunch of cmdlets (see here: http://wiki.powergui.org/index.php/QAD_cmdlets_reference). If there is a way to issue those particular commands natively through autoit, I would love to do so; but as it is I already have a powershell script written to do a number of different functions, and want a GUI over top of it.
  3. Ive looked through a number of topics trying to get this to work to no avail. Basically, I have some powershell scripts that I want to tie to a GUI, and the commands have to be powershell (theyre active-directory commands that have to be issued through a specific snap-in; doing them straight through AD will fail). I am able to interact with a normal command prompt using stdinwrite and stdoutread, but using the exact same code for powershell simply doesnt work. I wanted to see if anyone has dealt with / solved this issue. Heres an example of the code Im using: Global $data, $title, $pid $pid = Run(@ComSpec, @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW, $STDIN_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) ;WORKS ;;$pid = Run("C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit", @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW, $STDIN_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) ; DOES NOT WORK If ProcessWait($pid, 5) Then _StdIn('help /?') _StdIn('ping -w 500 -n 1') sleep(2000) _StdOut() EndIf Exit Func _StdIn($input) If Not ProcessExists($pid) Then Return StdinWrite($pid, $input & @CRLF) EndFunc Func _StdOut() If Not ProcessExists($pid) Then Return $output = StdOutRead($pid, 65500) ConsoleWrite($output) EndFunc
  4. not sure if this has been reported before, but a search for the error yielded no results. Removing the name of a control will, when saved, cause the form to be unloadable. This is fixed by manually adding the form name to the kvf file. Also, the generated while loops now contain a "switch" command....did you mean select? That whole code block is a little off, and doesnt work (the code was generated correctly in 1.4) Just thought id point that out Otherwise, good job, awesome program
  5. any chance of adding options to manually add programs and games?
  6. Great job with the shockwave, maybe you can help me with something. I modified some of your code in an attempt to embed DCR (shockwave director) files. I can play the file successfully, but even when the window is focused, keypresses (most of them) do not go through. Any thoughts on how to resolve? I dont have my source right now, but i can post it later, if it helps.... Also, any comment on whether an autoit program would be able to interface with director movies (not including simulated keyboard/mouse)?
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