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  1. haahahhahhhh No I don't have money, if you want to help me okay if no please don't spam my topic
  2. I am trying to do what you propose,but I need that code now
  3. I found this code in the forum to Detect running in Virtual Machine I want to re-write it into vb.net if it is possible this is the code : ------------------------------------------------------ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;Converted from VBS script found @ below address... ;http://blogs.technet.com/b/tonyso/archive/2010/05/13/how-to-tell-if-you-are-in-a-vm-using-script.aspx ;THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE Marlboroloco@gmail.com If _VCheck() Then MsgBox(0, "", "True") Else MsgBox(0, "", "False") EndIf Func _VCheck() Local $strComputer = ".", $sMake, $sModel, $sBIOSVersion, $bIsVM, $sVMPlatform Local $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") If IsObj($colItems) Then For $objItem In $colItems ;MsgBox(0,"","Name: " & $objItem.Name) $sMake = $objItem.Manufacturer $sModel = $objItem.Model Next EndIf $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS", "WQL", 0x10 + 0x20) If IsObj($colItems) Then For $objItem In $colItems ;MsgBox(0,"",$objItem.BIOSVersion(0)) $sBIOSVersion = $objItem.SMBIOSBIOSVersion Next EndIf $bIsVM = False $sVMPlatform = "" MsgBox(0, "", "Manufacturer=" & $sMake) MsgBox(0, "", "Model=" & $sModel) MsgBox(0, "", "BIOSVersion=" & $sBIOSVersion) If $sModel = "Virtual Machine" Then ; Microsoft virtualization technology detected, assign defaults $sVMPlatform = "Hyper-V" $bIsVM = True ; Try to determine more specific values Switch $sBIOSVersion Case "VRTUAL - 1000831" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "Hyper-V 2008 Beta or RC0" Case "VRTUAL - 5000805", "BIOS Date: 05/05/08 20:35:56 Ver: 08.00.02" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "Hyper-V 2008 RTM" Case "VRTUAL - 3000919" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "Hyper-V 2008 R2" Case "A M I - 2000622" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "VS2005R2SP1 or VPC2007" Case "A M I - 9000520" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "VS2005R2" Case "A M I - 9000816", "A M I - 6000901" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "Windows Virtual PC" Case "A M I - 8000314" $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "VS2005 or VPC2004" EndSwitch ElseIf $sModel = "VMware Virtual Platform" Then ; VMware detected $sVMPlatform = "VMware" $bIsVM = True ElseIf $sModel = "VirtualBox" Then ; VirtualBox detected $bIsVM = True $sVMPlatform = "VirtualBox" Else ; This computer does not appear to be a virtual machine. EndIf ; Set the return value If $bIsVM Then MsgBox(0, "", "IsVirtualMachine=True") MsgBox(0, "", "VirtualMachinePlatform=" & $sVMPlatform) Else MsgBox(0, "", "IsVirtualMachine=False") EndIf Return $bIsVM EndFunc ;==>_VCheck----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thank you in advance
  4. I have a question if my windows 8.1 has password to login to it will this coz problem in making a task?
  5. I did delete the single quotes and nothing happen my code still fail to run
  6. can you please provide a clean code for @Comspec /c' for 'powershell
  7. Heloo everybody, I am trying to make a task in my windows 8.1,but I fail in making it to work as expected. My code works well in Windows 7 & xp , but fails in win 8.1 this is my code: Run (@ComSpec & " /c schtasks /Create /tn MMSSDG /tr 'C:\Users\programation\AppData\Local\Temp\MMSSDG.exe' /rl highest /sc Daily /ec system", "", @SW_HIDE) any help
  8. thank you for your answer. please give the link of the UDF for both firefox & chrome
  9. hello everybody, my question is: i know that is for internet explorer browser,but is there any possibilities to make it work with default browser such as firefox or chrome thank you in advance
  10. thank you ,but i see you didn't get my idea it is very easy my script will run a messagebox only after 3 times of computer restart less than that it will not run the message box this explains everything
  11. thank you i did that,but if we can make the script writes each time it starts and save it inside itself then when we reach 3 times it pops a message
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