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  1. >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "D:\Teszt\teszt.au3" "D:\Teszt\teszt.au3" (16) : ==> Illegal text at the end of statement (one statement per line).: else _ArrayAdd($aArray,$aData) else ^ ERROR >Exit code: 1 Time: 0.07156 defined the array.au3
  2. Just save it, and later use a selectable "Send" function CHOOSE A DATA: [saved data 1] [saved data 2] [saved data...] Send($selected data)
  3. Thanks, and how can i put these in a Combo?! Func Function() For $x = 0 to $iMax - 1 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $arr[$x] & "|") Next EndFuncIf i use the " $arr[1]" or "$arr[0]" or anything, it return empty field..
  4. Hello! I have a code, what if press X save the ClipBoard's text in variable, but.. if 2times press the X then the variable is lose the last save.. I want a code, what save the ClipBoard's text in a variable, but first "$text1" if that already in use, then "$text2" Exaple, at the script's start need to define "$texts" .. if the "$texts" is 4, then save 4 times the clipboard, next abort it! I tryed it, but it is finite.. if the text1 and text2 in use, then it wont be save. I want THIS infinite.. if possible Global $text1inuse = 0 Global $text2inuse = 0 Global $text1 Global $text2 if $text1inuse = 0 Then $text1 = ClipGet() $text1inuse = 1 TrayTip(Clipboard Saved!", "The clipboard's text saved!", 0, $TIP_ICONASTERISK) ElseIf $text2inuse = 0 Then $text2 = ClipGet() $text2inuse = 1 TrayTip(Clipboard Saved!", "The clipboard's text saved!", 0, $TIP_ICONASTERISK) Else TrayTip("Clipboard in use!", The cipboards are full!", 0, $TIP_ICONHAND) EndIf
  5. Hy programmers, i have a questionn for you:) How can i save (with the mouse) drag-selected texts, in a varriable if key pressed X? IF -> Pressed X THEN IF THE -> Selected area is TEXT, save the drag-selected text in the "text" variable ELSE -> MsgBox: "You must select a TEXT" Is it possible? I want a program like the windows's Copy and Paste, but if the selected item is not text, then do nothing:)
  6. hello! i have this code, and want to check these files.. if these files in the "@ScriptDir" then set the "HackCheck" to 1.. but every time set it to 1, if have them files, or not ... $mappa = @ScriptDir & "\mod_sa" $mappa2 = @ScriptDir & "\CLEO" If FileFindFirstFile("d3d9.dll") Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileFindFirstFile("[HAX]mod_sa.ini") Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileFindFirstFile("mod_sa.ini") Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileFindFirstFile("[HAX]friendlist.ini") Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileFindFirstFile("friendlist.ini") Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileExists($mappa) Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileExists($mappa2) Then $HackCheck = 1 If FileFindFirstFile("mod_sa.exe") Then $HackCheck = 1
  7. Hi i saw it, but i dont know how to use it ._. if $CmdLine[1] = 1 then MsgBox(0, "asd", "1") Else MsgBox(0, "asd", "0") EndIf ?
  8. Hello! I want a script, what if runned by "-program" parameter, then give a message: "Opened" or if not deal the "-program" parameter, then give: "Can't open." Possible? [i want it, for my program.. a program will be run this, and i want that cant open this program with double clicks, just my program can open it, with "-program" parameter add] sorry for bad english :c
  9. Hello! Possible to create an autoit script what do an UDP query? I want to get from a multiplayer server, the players name.. i know how to do it in php, but i now want it to my Autoit script's GUI.. PHP Source is: <?php function query_source($address) { $array = explode(":", $address); //explode the adress at : $server['status'] = 0; //status variable $server['ip'] = $array[0]; //server ip variable $server['port'] = $array[1]; //server port variable if (!$server['ip'] || !$server['port']) { exit("EMPTY OR INVALID ADDRESS"); } $socket = @fsockopen("udp://{$server['ip']}", $server['port'], $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$socket) { return $server; } stream_set_timeout($socket, 1); stream_set_blocking($socket, TRUE); fwrite($socket, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x54Source Engine Query\x00"); $packet = fread($socket, 4096); @fclose($socket); if (!$packet) { return $server; } $header = substr($packet, 0, 4); $response_type = substr($packet, 4, 1); $network_version = ord(substr($packet, 5, 1)); $packet_array = explode("\x00", substr($packet, 6), 5); $server['name'] = $packet_array[0]; $server['map'] = $packet_array[1]; $server['game'] = $packet_array[2]; $server['description'] = $packet_array[3]; $packet = $packet_array[4]; $app_id = array_pop(unpack("S", substr($packet, 0, 2))); $server['players'] = ord(substr($packet, 2, 1)); $server['playersmax'] = ord(substr($packet, 3, 1)); $server['bots'] = ord(substr($packet, 4, 1)); $server['status'] = 1; $server['dedicated'] = substr($packet, 5, 1); $server['os'] = substr($packet, 6, 1); $server['password'] = ord(substr($packet, 7, 1)); $server['vac'] = ord(substr($packet, 8, 1)); return $server; } $query = query_source(""); echo "hostname:"; echo $query['name']; echo "<br/>players:"; echo $query['players']; echo "<br/>playersmax:"; echo $query['playersmax']; echo "<br/>vac(?):"; echo $query['vac']; echo "<br/>passowrd(?):"; echo $query['password']; ?>
  10. I don't see mtach... in that post what you linked, i ask to check dll file's size, and a folder's files.. Now what i need: A 'program' or function what check the runner processes, that edit the 'cc1.exe's operation..
  11. Hello! I want to search the directory, where the "cc1.exe" have, and list the directory's files.. If the directory's files not just the "cc1.exe", "cc.dll" and "cc2.exe" then return a message: "Please reinstall the program" And possible, the cc.dll's size check? I want it only 1521bytes.. if its more or less, then return a message: "The cc.dll has benn modified. Reinstall the program.."
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