Closed Requests

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Results (901 - 1000 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Modified Component Ticket Milestone Resolution Summary
10 years Standard UDFs #2857 Completed _GUICtrlEdit_GetCueBanner / _GUICtrlEdit_SetCueBanner
10 years Documentation #2858 Completed _Iif - ScriptBreakingChange
10 years Standard UDFs #2860 Completed Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type
10 years Documentation #2863 Completed Using AutoIt - Controls - MSDN link
8 years AutoIt #2871 Rejected #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutPath
10 years AutoIt #2872 Rejected FileDelete set @extended deleted count
10 years AutoIt #2873 No Bug Experimental functionalities and plans for the future.
10 years Documentation #2876 Fixed _GUICtrlRichEdit_Paste - proposal
10 years Documentation #2877 Completed _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont.au3 - proposal
10 years Documentation #2880 Fixed Example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess
10 years Documentation #2891 Completed _WinAPI_GetWindowDC / _WinAPI_RedrawWindow - Example
10 years AutoIt #2894 Rejected Assign - new flag - static
10 years AutoIt #2919 Rejected OnAutoItExitRegister - @exitMethod - after Crash
10 years Standard UDFs #2922 Completed Better reliability for _VersionCompare()
6 years AutoIt #2929 Rejected Check if a method exists using IsFunc()
3 years AutoIt #2938 Fixed Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand()
10 years AutoIt #2942 Rejected Extract icon's from almost any file (exe,lnk,bat,vbs,txt,......)
10 years AutoIt #2951 Rejected How to automate [Internet options-Connections-Lan settings-Tick/untick "proxy server"]
9 years Aut2Exe #2958 Rejected Keeping AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description blank when explicitly set
4 months AutoIt #2963 Rejected Macro for file name in included files
9 years Documentation #2965 Completed Install Directory Structure
9 years Documentation #2966 Completed GUISetHelp[2].au3 - example proposal
9 years AutoIt #2968 Completed Add mSeconds to _SetTime function
9 years AutoIt #2969 Rejected label size
9 years AutoIt #2971 Completed AutoItWrapper - Return proper exit code and suppress all dialogs
9 years AutoIt #2975 No Bug _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo return only the first 31 characters from font name
9 years Documentation #2978 Completed _ArrayDisplay - Parameters - description for $sArrayRange
4 years AutoIt #2980 Works For Me Can't call a function in a map with the point operator [BETA]
9 years Documentation #2982 Completed _FTP_Connect - example proposal
4 years AutoIt #2987 Rejected support PCRE case escape sequences
14 months AutoIt #2989 Completed @OSVersion And Windows 10
9 years AutoIt #2990 Rejected Passing Parameter that has spaces and commas
9 years AutoIt #2991 Rejected MSI Exec with spaces and commas
9 years AutoIt #2995 Rejected Create and pass array as parameter in the parameter itself
9 years Documentation #2998 Completed Add key #03 to _IsPressed() in the Help file
6 years AutoIt #3000 Rejected scriptline
6 years AutoIt #3007 Duplicate Make {} the empty map.
9 years AutoIt #3008 Rejected texting on a notepad
4 years Au3Info #3010 No Bug Au3Info - Double Click on Listview in "Control" Tab
9 years Documentation #3012 Completed GUISetFont - no default value for parameter: attribute
9 years Other #3013 Rejected Forum Intelligent Seach
9 years Other #3014 Duplicate Intelligent Forum Search
6 years AutoIt #3027 Completed _WinAPI_RegEnumKeyEx
9 years Documentation #3034 Completed _Timer_SetTimer() doc example
9 years AutoIt #3035 Rejected _FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files)
9 years Documentation #3044 Rejected Language reference > Variables and Constants
9 years Documentation #3045 Rejected String constants: ' and "
9 years Documentation #3049 Rejected Cross-referencing to assist in finding UDFs in the help
9 years Documentation #3060 Rejected "Function notes" in helpfile - remarks about @extended
9 years AutoIt #3067 Rejected 1 line If...Else Statement
9 years Documentation #3075 Fixed _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject - TimeOut parameters description
9 years Other #3076 Fixed Track Default Au3 Version
9 years Documentation #3082 Rejected State that @extended can be only a interger in SetExtended documentation
9 years Other #3083 Rejected Release <> Beta -- Installer
9 years Standard UDFs #3088 Rejected ie.au3 readystate enums
9 years AutoIt #3089 Rejected Add cascading menus for contex menu intigration
9 years SciTE4AutoIt #3090 Rejected Cascading submenus as an option
9 years Standard UDFs #3093 Completed _FileWriteToLine() option to create a new line if it doesn't exist
9 years AutoIt #3098 Rejected ObjEvent - @error - when no ErrorHanlder registered
9 years AutoIt #3114 Rejected Array as an parameter for Call Function instead of n parameters
9 years Other #3118 Rejected StringSplit - NewFlag - case
9 years AutoIt #3131 Rejected Add a "safe" modifier to ReDim to preserve Dimensions
9 years Other #3132 Fixed Version Au3.3.14.2 in Track
9 years AutoIt #3133 Rejected Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout
9 years AutoIt #3138 Rejected GUIRegisterMsg - add to chain
9 years Documentation #3140 Fixed @error Description
9 years SciTE4AutoIt #3142 Rejected Auto-Complete in SciTE
9 years SciTE4AutoIt #3143 Works For Me Beta Help File Option in SciTE
9 years SciTE4AutoIt #3147 Rejected Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE
4 years AutoIt #3148 Rejected Add new events to GUIGetMsg()
5 years Standard UDFs #3149 Completed Add new functions to SQLite UDF
9 years AutoIt #3150 Rejected Add new functions to GuiListView UDF
9 years Au3Check #3153 Rejected AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence
9 years AutoIt #3161 Completed Constants for MemGetStats's returned array
8 years AutoIt #3171 Rejected Count of Keys in Returned Array of MapKeys
9 years AutoIt #3174 Rejected New functionality for Maps and Arrays in String() Function
9 years SciTE4AutoIt #3175 Rejected Orthospell (Spell Checker) integration in SciTE4AutoIt
8 years Other #3180 Rejected Zip and Unzip
8 years AutoIt #3194 Rejected autoIT script in selenium IDE
8 years AutoIt #3196 Rejected Feature request: conditional code in curly braces
8 years AutoIt #3205 Rejected [Suggestion] Allow functions to be also defined with the keyword "Function"
8 years Documentation #3206 Completed New remark for the "root dir" parameter for FileSelectFolder
8 years Documentation #3208 Completed Changes in documentation for _Crypt_Hash* functions.
8 years AutoIt #3210 Completed None of the $iCharSets are declared in GuiRichEdit.au3
8 years AutoIt #3212 Rejected Fast Shutdown
8 years Standard UDFs #3213 Rejected _Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max widths are unchecked
8 years SciTE4AutoIt #3221 Completed AutoItWrapper not stopping if #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before fails
4 years Documentation #3222 Completed FileInstall
8 years AutoIt #3228 Rejected Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString
8 years SciTE4AutoIt #3229 Completed Aut2Exe - Shows popup dialoags from AutoIt3Wrapper when running silent
7 months Au3Info #3238 Fixed Au3info doesn't compensate for DPI scaling
8 years Standard UDFs #3240 Completed Constanst for _PathSplit's returned array
4 years AutoIt #3250 Rejected New directive for changing AutoIt's Stack Depth
4 years AutoIt #3272 Rejected suggesting 2 features that would be really useful
13 months AutoIt #3275 Rejected free/unset variable
8 years Aut2Exe #3407 No Bug coupon code worked yesterday
4 years Standard UDFs #3514 Completed Add a treeview UDF calling $TVGN_LASTVISIBLE
3 years AutoIt #3515 Rejected Assigning directly a value to an element of an array in array
3 years Standard UDFs #3538 Fixed Make ByRef parameters for _PathSplit optional
3 years AutoIt #3539 Completed FileGetTime ( "filename" [, option = 0 [, format = 0], UTC=0]]] )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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