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Results (124 - 126 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#223 Duplicate GUIRegisterMsg() callback documentation... Ultima

The GUIRegisterMsg() documentation needs updating. It's difficult to determine what return value would cause AutoIt to stop handling the message internally.

From the manual:

By using 'Return' without any return value the AutoIt internal message handler (if there is one for this message) will NOT be proceed!

Yet, an empty return *does* allow AutoIt to continue handling the message. Returning 0 does the same. It seems that it's only when you return a non-zero integer that it stops handling things internally.

So yeah, clarification/reorganization would be nice :)

Additionally, the example script no longer works properly (though that problem might originate from the possible regression described in ticket #222)...

#224 Rejected Ubound would return last index amokoura

In other languages, Ubound returns the last index. So wouldn't it be natural to have it behave the same way in AutoIt?

Ubound referes to "Upper Bound", which might not straightforwardly refer to array "size" or "length".

#225 Rejected Varible++ Firestorm

I was wondering if we could get a new function for something like C++, where to increase a varible by one you just do $var++ or for minus one, $var--.

I am beginning to get tired of doing $var = $var + 1, can we PLEASE get the implementation of ++ and --?

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