Closed Requests

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Results (901 - 1000 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Modified
#2673 AdlibRegister(0) execute function instanly instead of after 250ms AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2679 Undocumented behaviour of arrays Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2681 More parameters to FileReadToArray function AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2682 StdoutRead[2].au3 - proposal Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2684 Remove drag behavior of WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2692 Clear up the AutoIt3Wrapper Directives's documentation Documentation Rejected 5 years
#2695 For ... in ... next loop modifying items AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#2705 ObjCreate - without register anything Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2714 Help for GUICtrlCreateGraphic omits info for dynamic graphics. Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2750 Ternary Operator Should Have the Lowest Precedence AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2752 AutoIt Help omits the precedence of the ternary operator AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2759 _WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandle - dwFlags - Parameter AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2765 Example proposal - _WinAPI_GetPriorityClass.au3 Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2769 Example proposal- _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create[2].au3 Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2771 FTPEx.au3 - proposal Standard UDFs Rejected 10 years
#2774 UDF standards >> #Region Standard UDFs Rejected 10 years
#2778 include REGEXP function in to SQLite Standard UDFs Rejected 10 years
#2788 fuzzy string searching AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2794 FileDelete ability to remove the file stream AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#2799 HelpFile - Statistic - proposal Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2817 OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks - proposal Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2818 OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks and Example - proposal Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2831 Function Binding AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2838 RegRead - Remarks - Proposal Documentation Rejected 10 years
#2871 #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutPath AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#2872 FileDelete set @extended deleted count AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2894 Assign - new flag - static AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2919 OnAutoItExitRegister - @exitMethod - after Crash AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2929 Check if a method exists using IsFunc() AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#2942 Extract icon's from almost any file (exe,lnk,bat,vbs,txt,......) AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2951 How to automate [Internet options-Connections-Lan settings-Tick/untick "proxy server"] AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2958 Keeping AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description blank when explicitly set Aut2Exe Rejected 9 years
#2963 Macro for file name in included files AutoIt Rejected 3 months
#2969 label size AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2987 support PCRE case escape sequences AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2990 Passing Parameter that has spaces and commas AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2991 MSI Exec with spaces and commas AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2995 Create and pass array as parameter in the parameter itself AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3000 scriptline AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3008 texting on a notepad AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3013 Forum Intelligent Seach Other Rejected 9 years
#3035 _FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files) AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3044 Language reference > Variables and Constants Documentation Rejected 9 years
#3045 String constants: ' and " Documentation Rejected 9 years
#3049 Cross-referencing to assist in finding UDFs in the help Documentation Rejected 9 years
#3060 "Function notes" in helpfile - remarks about @extended Documentation Rejected 9 years
#3067 1 line If...Else Statement AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3082 State that @extended can be only a interger in SetExtended documentation Documentation Rejected 9 years
#3083 Release <> Beta -- Installer Other Rejected 9 years
#3088 ie.au3 readystate enums Standard UDFs Rejected 9 years
#3089 Add cascading menus for contex menu intigration AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3090 Cascading submenus as an option SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3098 ObjEvent - @error - when no ErrorHanlder registered AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3114 Array as an parameter for Call Function instead of n parameters AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3118 StringSplit - NewFlag - case Other Rejected 9 years
#3131 Add a "safe" modifier to ReDim to preserve Dimensions AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3133 Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3138 GUIRegisterMsg - add to chain AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3142 Auto-Complete in SciTE SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3147 Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3148 Add new events to GUIGetMsg() AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3150 Add new functions to GuiListView UDF AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#3153 AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence Au3Check Rejected 9 years
#3171 Count of Keys in Returned Array of MapKeys AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3174 New functionality for Maps and Arrays in String() Function AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3175 Orthospell (Spell Checker) integration in SciTE4AutoIt SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3180 Zip and Unzip Other Rejected 8 years
#3194 autoIT script in selenium IDE AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3196 Feature request: conditional code in curly braces AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3205 [Suggestion] Allow functions to be also defined with the keyword "Function" AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3212 Fast Shutdown AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3213 _Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max widths are unchecked Standard UDFs Rejected 8 years
#3228 Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#3250 New directive for changing AutoIt's Stack Depth AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3272 suggesting 2 features that would be really useful AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3275 free/unset variable AutoIt Rejected 12 months
#3515 Assigning directly a value to an element of an array in array AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#3543 New example script for "Ternary" operator's help page Documentation Rejected 7 years
#3553 _SQLite_Startup() - cannot use SQLite.dll without "_x64" suffix in 64 bit script AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3554 Ini functions should be documentated as containing limitations AutoIt Rejected 7 years
#3561 Improved support for tk widgets AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3576 _PathSplit Standard UDFs Rejected 6 years
#3593 IsFunc() - check if function exist by string AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3613 New Macro @ScriptFunction AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3617 Hot Strings AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3627 Feature Request: AutoItWinGetHandle() AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3630 Superscripting attribute in the Rich Edit control doesn't work AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3634 _FileListToArray error codes AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3645 StringRegExpSplit AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3653 Can't set value of element of nested array AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3654 _IECreateEmbedded isn't accessibil with screen readers AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3655 we need more protection on aut2exe Aut2Exe Rejected 6 years
#3661 Creating a button: want to know where it ends AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#3664 Spam AutoItX Rejected 6 years
#3676 $tagResource Help lacks some DisplayTypes Documentation Rejected 4 years
#3680 Improve _ArrayBinarySearch function Standard UDFs Rejected 4 years
#3688 <snip> AutoItX Rejected 5 years
#3702 Make Execute capable of processing declarations AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#3719 Create and manage more tray buttons than just one AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#3721 Extra option for collapsing a region or function SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 5 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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