
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#2567 closed Bug (Wont Fix)

Unknown strange Bug

Reported by: DXRW4E Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


In Windows 8.1 x64 seems that Autoit (either v3.3.8.1 & v3.3.9.25-beta) goes strangely in error, for example after finishing successfully with (DllCall("Kernel32.DLL", "BOOL", "WriteFile", ect ect ect) after going into error, for more info here

Attachments (0)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by DXRW4E

also in Windows7 x32 everything seems OK, it seems that concerns only in Windows 8.1 (x32 & x64)

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Jon

  • Resolution set to Wont Fix
  • Status changed from new to closed

Need something simple to repo this or it's impossible to troubleshoot.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by DXRW4E

watch this maybe it helps

ect ect ect
- _FNFCICLOSE - $hf - 512
+ _FNFCICLOSE - $hf - 512
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 488 - $memory - 0x0107EF90 - $cb - 16
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 488 - $memory - 0x0107EF90 - $cb - 16 - $dwBytesWritten - 16
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 488 - $memory - 0x014C4948 - $cb - 12
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 488 - $memory - 0x014C4948 - $cb - 12 - $dwBytesWritten - 12
!>23:14:36 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:-1073740791
>Exit code: -1073740791    Time: 3.186

ect ect ect
- _FNFCICLOSE - $hf - 476
+ _FNFCICLOSE - $hf - 476
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 420 - $memory - 0x0066EF18 - $cb - 16
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 420 - $memory - 0x0066EF18 - $cb - 16 - $dwBytesWritten - 16
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 420 - $memory - 0x00FF6948 - $cb - 12
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 420 - $memory - 0x00FF6948 - $cb - 12 - $dwBytesWritten - 12
+ _FCIAddFile -  $hFCI - 0x00E01AF0 - 1
@Error - 0

- _FCIFlushFolder - $hFCI - 0x00E01AF0
+ _FNFCISTATUS - $cb1 - 11188 - $cb2 - 0 - $pv - 0x00000000
> _FNFCISTATUS - $statusFile - $itotal_compressed_size - 143762 - $itotal_uncompressed_size - 622592 - $pv - 0x00000000
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 516 - $memory - 0x0066EB2C - $cb - 8
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 516 - $memory - 0x0066EB2C - $cb - 8 - $dwBytesWritten - 8
- _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 516 - $memory - 0x0107CCD8 - $cb - 11188
+ _FNFCIWRITE - $hf - 516 - $memory - 0x0107CCD8 - $cb - 11188 - $dwBytesWritten - 11188
+ _FNFCISTATUS - $cb1 - 11346 - $cb2 - 0 - $pv - 0x00000000
ect ect ect

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