
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#3518 closed Bug (Fixed)

_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts() - cannot set parts from $aPartWidth

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Jpm
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


As summary says - function cannot properly set parts based on width array. Correction is simple - when filling structure from width array you need use:

$cParts = 0
$cParts += $aPartWidth[$x]
DllStructSetData($tParts, 1, $cParts, $x + 1)


DllStructSetData($tParts, 1, $aPartWidth[$x], $x + 1)

Attachments (0)

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Jpm

I don't know where you get such $cParts has I cannot see any change in this area
PLease use the standard Delivery or the beta

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by anonymous

I invented $cParts myself for purpose of countering bug in _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts().
Basically it calculates right edge of parts from parts width.
on a side note - is may english so bad?

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Jpm

I still don't undrstand just follow Ticket creation guidelines as I don't have a cristal ball to reproduce

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by anonymous

i do not have mach time left...

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiStatusBar.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
Local $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 889, 334, 742, 690)
Local $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Click to see BUG with PartsWidth", 424, 88, 128, 128, $BS_MULTILINE)
Local $StatusBar1 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($Form1)
Local $StatusBar1_PartsRightEdge[8] = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, -1]
Local $StatusBar1_PartsWidth[8] = [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, -1]

_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts($StatusBar1, $StatusBar1_PartsRightEdge)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "0", 0)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "1", 1)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "2", 2)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "3", 3)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "4", 4)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "5", 5)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "6", 6)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "7", 7)
_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 24)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
$k = False

While 1
	$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
	Switch $nMsg

		Case $Button1
			$k = Not $k
			If $k Then
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_Destroy ($StatusBar1)
				$StatusBar1 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($Form1)
				GUICtrlSetData ($Button1, "Click to see there a no BUG with PartsRightEdge")

				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts($StatusBar1, -1, $StatusBar1_PartsWidth)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "0", 0)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "1", 1)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "2", 2)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "3", 3)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "4", 4)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "5", 5)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "6", 6)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "7", 7)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 24)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_Destroy ($StatusBar1)
				$StatusBar1 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($Form1)
				GUICtrlSetData ($Button1, "Click to see BUG with PartsWidth")

				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts($StatusBar1, $StatusBar1_PartsRightEdge)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "0", 0)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "1", 1)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "2", 2)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "3", 3)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "4", 4)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "5", 5)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "6", 6)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($StatusBar1, "7", 7)
				_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 24)


comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by Jpm

I understand,
The Function and the doc need to be fixed as passing @aParts[] and $aPartsWidth[] can be conflictual
Definitly if no Parts, the widths must be sum up
Not sure what to do with Widths not positive

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by Jpm

  • Milestone set to
  • Owner set to Jpm
  • Resolution set to Fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed by revision [11831] in version:

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  • In-depth discussions should take place on the forum.

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