


17:08 Ticket #2846 (Multiline statements error) closed by Melba23
No Bug: What else would you expect to happen? A line continuation operator is there to split long lines - adding other elements between the operator and the next section of the line will cause an error, as it would were the line to be continuous and the element inserted. Both Au3Check and AutoIt baulk at such a thing - correctly. M23
16:30 Ticket #2846 (Multiline statements error) created by anonymous
Any statement containing two consecutive underscores is an error. […]
15:19 Ticket #2845 (Empty Array isn't Empty) created by anonymous
[…] These two arrays shouldn't contain an empty string. They should …
14:25 Ticket #2843 (_ReplaceStringInFile help file) closed by Jon
13:34 Milestone completed
10:29 Ticket #2824 (_ArrayExtract bugged + solution) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed. M23


06:00 Ticket #2844 (_FTP_ProgressUpload/_FTP_ProgressDownload example error) created by anonymous
the function _FTP_ProgressUpload in his examples passes the parameter …


21:20 Ticket #2843 (_ReplaceStringInFile help file) created by ffdshow
Hello, In the help file, should be written that files encoding in …
13:54 Ticket #2842 (autoit installs only as "run script") closed by Melba23
No Bug: In future, please ask questions like this in the forum - as it is most certainly not a bug. When you install AutoIt you get a dialog asking you whether to "run" or "edit" scripts on opening - it has always been like this since I have been using it. If for some reason your install did not show the dialog (although I cannot imagine why it should not), you can amend the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoIt3Script\Shell registry entry to change the default behaviour. And if you use the full SciTE4AutoIt3 package, you can change the behaviour directly via the SciTEConfig utility. M23
13:00 Ticket #2842 (autoit installs only as "run script") created by adambuzza@…
I have tried unistalling autoit, restarting, reinstalling, but as far …


11:21 Ticket #2841 (_StringRepeat adds string once even if parsed count is zero) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10898] in version:
10:36 Ticket #2841 (_StringRepeat adds string once even if parsed count is zero) created by RTFC
Hi devs! RTFC here. I use _StringRepeat with a variable count in file …
10:25 Ticket #2840 (Bug in _Sound.au3) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10897] in version:
09:27 Ticket #2840 (Bug in _Sound.au3) created by Eukalyptus
in every "set time format miliseconds" there is missing a "l" => …
07:14 Ticket #2836 (_WinAPI_SfcIsFileProtected - example - proposal) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [10896] in version:


12:43 Ticket #2839 (GUISetAccelerators - accelerators 1D Array - AutoIt HardCrash) created by mLipok
Here is repro script: […] tested on Relase and Beta version


22:40 Ticket #2838 (RegRead - Remarks - Proposal) created by mLipok
in RegRead Function in Remarks Section There is : […] Please …
22:03 Ticket #2837 ("Install Directory Structure" Section - proposal) created by mLipok
in "Install Directory Structure" section there is note about: …
21:31 Ticket #2836 (_WinAPI_SfcIsFileProtected - example - proposal) created by mLipok
16:35 Ticket #2835 (Change the TCP*() funktions to optional use non blocking ports.) created by rthilo
Hello. The timeouts of the TCP*() functions doesn't seem to have …


23:25 Ticket #2834 (FileOpen with mode 2+8) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10860] in version:
17:43 Ticket #2834 (FileOpen with mode 2+8) created by registracemp@…
Hi, There is a bug in FileOpen function when mode 2 and 8 = …
13:34 Ticket #2831 (Function Binding) closed by jchd18
Rejected: You really should consider using AutoItObject instead of the construction you propose. Indeed, despite having "Object" suffixed to the function names CreateObject, PrintObject, PrintObjects, none of them applies to anything generic. Those functions should really be called CreateArray1D2ElementsNumbers, PrintArray1D2ElementsNumbers, PrintArray1D2ElementsNumbers as they can only process 1D arrays with 2 elements of number type (or strings but then decimalplaces doesn't make sense). In a true OO approach, every processed datatype or container would have a constructor, destructor, a number of commonly used methods such as Print and possibly persistent storage. Then Print(this) would invoke the Print method of whatever type (class) this is: this could be any variant or array of any dimension and content, including nested contents (map containing strings, pointers, arrays of maps, arrays of double and structures). From this point of view the proposal is way too specific to a unique clumsy coding style and should be discarded in favor of AutoItObject.
09:54 Ticket #2833 (macro @funcname) created by anonymous
Please add a macro, variable or something else that will contain the …


15:45 Ticket #2832 (Call (["CallArgArray", ...]) doesn't modify ByRef arguments) created by anonymous
[…] $arguments [1] should be 2, not 1.


22:48 Ticket #2831 (Function Binding) created by anonymous
Please create a function that can bind arguments to functions. The …
15:37 Ticket #2830 (GuiCtrlRead() - in advanced mode with Combo,List return all values) created by Zedna
According to helpfile for GuiCtrlRead() …
02:32 Ticket #2829 (_Excel_RangeRead unable to return Text values of excel cells) created by anonymous
I have tried returning Value and Formula values using _Excel_RangeRead …


16:15 Milestone completed
10:09 Ticket #2826 (ObjName examples does not close InternetExplorer) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [10737] in version:
10:03 Ticket #2828 (_IEFormElementSetValue typo) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10734] in version:
08:18 Ticket #2828 (_IEFormElementSetValue typo) created by anonymous
When attempting to set a value on an IE form <input> whose type is …
03:52 Ticket #2827 (FileGetAttrib & Symbolic link) created by DXRW4E
is possible to add the "L" (Diretory Symbolic link) […] example …


14:49 Ticket #2826 (ObjName examples does not close InternetExplorer) created by anonymous
All examples must end with object.quit() to close hidden browser.
11:42 Ticket #2825 (Dir Functions inconsistent behaviour with VolumeName as source) closed by Jon
No Bug: Documented here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/162588-extended-length-support-in-file-functions-beta-for-reference/
02:18 Ticket #2825 (Dir Functions inconsistent behaviour with VolumeName as source) created by ResNullius
AutoIt Release & latest Beta Tested on both Win 7 …


10:31 Milestone completed
03:36 Ticket #2824 (_ArrayExtract bugged + solution) created by Quirinus
The problem is the same as here, but with _ArrayExtract instead: …


12:32 Ticket #2502 (COW optimization incorrect) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10658] in version:


07:13 Ticket #2823 (_ChooseFont default color) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10606] in version:
00:58 Ticket #2823 (_ChooseFont default color) created by careca777
It says the default color is in RGB format, but it's BGR Color. …


20:02 Milestone completed
19:27 Ticket #2822 (object('item')('item') syntax support) created by anonymous
In beta i execute this code without any errors. But AU3Check …
18:09 Ticket #2594 (_EventLog__Read on Security under Server 2008 R2) closed by guinness
13:06 Ticket #2821 (_DateToDayOfWeekISO Example wrong comment) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10587] in version:
12:56 Ticket #2821 (_DateToDayOfWeekISO Example wrong comment) created by Tweaky
example to _DateToDayOfWeekISO wrong: "; ISO Week day number for a …
09:51 Ticket #2814 (RC4 (En|De)Cryption of empty input fails) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10576] in version:
09:37 Ticket #2819 (AutoIt HardCrash with ObjCreate and GUICtrlCreateObj) closed by jchd18
No Bug


23:41 Ticket #2759 (_WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandle - dwFlags - Parameter) closed by guinness
21:19 Ticket #2804 (UDF standards site outdated) closed by guinness
21:16 Ticket #2816 (_GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile return value) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10564] in version:
20:27 Ticket #2788 (fuzzy string searching) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Use an external UDF - no requirement to add to the core code. Rejected. M23
20:26 Ticket #2629 (GUIRegisterMsg/GUIUnregisterMsg) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Jon has stated that this will not happen. M23
20:25 Ticket #2633 (more possibilities when assigning values to variables) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Rejected. M23
20:24 Ticket #2593 (Static & Global) closed by Melba23
Rejected: As I stated in the thread - UDF authors need to give suitably unique names to any Global variables they create. Rejected. M23
20:19 Ticket #2548 (Array Literal Notation) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Rejected. M23
20:18 Ticket #2221 (FileDelete() @error values) closed by Melba23
Rejected: The user should check that the required deletions have taken place, not AutoIt. Rejected. M23
20:15 Ticket #2620 (Ternary operator and php 5.3 sugar syntax) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Rejected. M23
20:13 Ticket #2656 (array automatic redim for $array[] = ...) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Rejected. M23
19:59 Ticket #2666 (StringReplace($sString, $pos, "") doesn't work) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10560] in version:
16:49 Ticket #2820 (WIN(all) handle bug) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10556] in version:


19:51 Ticket #2818 (OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks and Example - proposal) closed by Melba23
19:47 Ticket #2817 (OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks - proposal) closed by Melba23
13:20 Ticket #2820 (WIN(all) handle bug) created by anonymous
Strange bug for almost all functions related to the search window. If …
11:53 Milestone completed
11:15 Ticket #2789 (With EndWith parameter issue) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10538] in version:


12:28 Ticket #2360 (implement optional byref parameter passing to function) closed by Jon
09:34 Ticket #2819 (AutoIt HardCrash with ObjCreate and GUICtrlCreateObj) created by mLipok
I found a nice script here: …
03:04 Ticket #2818 (OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks and Example - proposal) created by mLipok
Please consider supplementing Remark for information regarding the use …
02:52 Ticket #2817 (OnAutoItExitRegister - Remarks - proposal) created by mLipok
Please consider supplementing Remark on the information concerning the …
01:30 Ticket #2816 (_GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile return value) created by careca777
"_GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile" returns 0, instead of -1 uppon failure, …


16:12 Ticket #2364 (Call with CallArgArray regression in beta) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10513] in version:


20:28 Ticket #2363 (Call with invalid proc regression) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10505] in version:
13:00 Ticket #2605 (Macro @ScriptLineNumber returns incorrect line) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in beta
12:54 Milestone completed


21:52 Ticket #2815 (GUICtrlSetImage resets the icon size) created by Tweaky
GUICtrlSetImage resets the icon size. I think GUICtrlSetImage should …
18:46 Milestone completed
18:35 Ticket #2640 (Surprising conversion) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10493] in version:
18:18 Ticket #2694 (AutoitX3_x64.dll not working for ControlListView and ControlTreeView ...) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10491] in version:
18:00 Ticket #2632 (MouseDown dose not delay even i set MouseClickDownDelay to 2000 ...) closed by Jon
No Bug
17:56 Ticket #2813 (Accessing "last created control" once GUI deleted - AutoIt HardCrash) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10489] in version:
16:30 Ticket #2346 (Add native FileSetEnd() based on _WinAPI_SetEndOfFile()) closed by Jon
Completed: Added by revision [10487] in version:
15:10 Ticket #2623 (RegDelete() returns 0 instead of 2 when unable to delete key) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10486] in version:
15:07 Ticket #2814 (RC4 (En|De)Cryption of empty input fails) created by jchd18
This is due to DllStruct* function having issues to deal with …
14:39 Ticket #2805 (FileWriteLine() returns true when actually failing because disk is full) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10484] in version:
08:32 Ticket #2812 (@ScriptLineNumber - HelpFile - Clarification) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [10477] in version:
08:20 Ticket #2811 (VarGetType - Example - proposal) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [10476] in version:
03:05 Ticket #2813 (Accessing "last created control" once GUI deleted - AutoIt HardCrash) created by mLipok
Today I have another day cleanup of old scripts. I changed my own UDF …
01:24 Ticket #2812 (@ScriptLineNumber - HelpFile - Clarification) created by mLipok
HelpFile do not say anything about @ScriptLineNumber that it is …


21:48 Ticket #2372 (Function incorrect number of parameters error on wrong line) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10474] in version:
21:19 Milestone completed
20:43 Ticket #2671 (StringSplit - bug : Delimiter case sensitivity problem) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10469] in version:
16:04 Ticket #2811 (VarGetType - Example - proposal) created by mLipok
13:31 Ticket #2538 (GUISetAccelerators should take care of disabled control) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10465] in version:
12:17 Ticket #2686 (Random to return max value when min equals max.) closed by Jon
Completed: Added by revision [10464] in version:


16:49 Milestone completed


17:53 Milestone completed
13:15 Ticket #2810 (handling of some float numbers) closed by jchd18
No Bug: Again there is no bug here. You can invent an infinite number of cases where the result of a floating point calculation differs from what you'd expect. Again it has nothing to do with AutoIt, which uses the relies on C++ compiler to provide "correct" results, "correct" being taken modulo what IEEE754 dictates. Please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point IsInt($n) = 0 applied to a floating point value $n means that $n is not exactly represented as an integer inside the double. Now, displaying $n by default conversion to string implies rounding to a fix number of decimals, which is not based on the machine epsilon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon), nor on the ULP nearby (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_in_the_last_place). Would you seriously want the following to display anything else than 0.1? […]
12:38 Ticket #2809 (inconsistent work of the For...To...Step...Next loop) closed by jchd18
No Bug: Such For loops should never be used with step value a floating point number that can't be represented exactly in a double. This is nothing new: fixed-size binary floating point (e.g. IEEE754) often causes inaccuracies, whatever language the program uses. To keep away from such issues, always use integers in For loop parameters and scale back index values before use inside the loop.
12:02 Milestone completed
11:04 Ticket #2810 (handling of some float numbers) created by anonymous
wierd internal rounding. […]
10:06 Ticket #2809 (inconsistent work of the For...To...Step...Next loop) created by anonymous
In the following example the loop doesn't work as is expected. First …


22:07 Ticket #2808 (Some memory leek issue with assigning value to variable) closed by Jos
No Bug: Setting a variable to "" doesn't mean the memory is freed. The whole purpose of recursing is that the scripts returns to each recursion and continues with what it was doing with a variables still intact. Please hop over to the forum and discuss this there. I am closing his as no bug for now. Jos
14:46 Ticket #2808 (Some memory leek issue with assigning value to variable) created by anonymous
I'm get strange issue with assigning value to variable - if it …
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