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  1. 2 devices that don't work are the Logitech G930 headset and the Logitech C920 webcam with build in mic. Both are USB devices perhaps that is the reason they do not work. $iDeviceCount does recognizes them but the actions after that do not apply
  2. How does it decide which mic to mute? cause it mutes my 4th mic instead of the default mic [Edit] actually it mutes every mic except for the default mic. 3 out of 4 microphones muted, the unmuted one being the default. [Edit2] doesn't matter which is the default, it just doesn't work with that particular mic.
  3. I remember when years ago and i still was fresh to this i was searching like a function like this all the time and trying to make one without much success. I guess i was over thinking all the loops at the time, guess i got a lil smarter with the years. xD cause it's really simple. Anyways this lists all sub-directories of a specified folder. [Edit] Don't be silly and try to scan your entire hdd it will take ages. it's not meant for huge file structures. Functions: Example: UDF:
  4. StringRegExp The example you quoted does that. PS you're rather writing a interpreter then a actual language it seems ;-)
  5. msgboxes pause script execution, use a proper loop _KillOtherScript() Func _KillOtherScript() Local $i = Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 3) If WinExists(@ScriptFullPath) Then Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle(@ScriptFullPath) WinClose($hWnd) EndIf AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptFullPath) Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', $i) EndFunc ;==>_KillOtherScript While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd
  6. I did try, but the search terms i can think of for this issue are the most horrible to find anything actually related. Maybe an idea to add it to the FAQ? [Edit] Found some here www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/153392-forum-copy-contents-script-from-forum-to-scite/ There's no reasonable "workaround"
  7. Use that handy hidden window every script has :-) your script cannot exist without it. Func _KillOtherScript() Local $i = Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 3) If WinExists(@ScriptFullPath) Then Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle(@ScriptFullPath) WinClose($hWnd) EndIf AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptFullPath) Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', $i) EndFunc ;==>_KillOtherScript ;
  8. Why is the popup link that used to be near the code and autoit tags gone, now everytime i try to copy/paste something from the forum into SciTe it's all on a single line, there's no newlines.
  9. Please read the forum rules concerning games. http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  10. What i do is check if the script is already running and in that case write the parameters into a ini file and then exit. In the main idle loop of my script i keep checking the ini for new input and execute it if anything is found. Same effect diffrent execution :-) hope this helps
  11. $sLocation = FileOpenDialog("Location", "", "All (*.*)") $hFile = FileOpen($sLocation) If $hFile <> -1 Then While 1 $sLine = FileReadLine($hFile) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $sLine = "MsgBox" Then $sTitle = FileReadLine($hFile) $sMsg = FileReadLine($hFile) MsgBox(0, $sTitle, $sMsg) EndIf WEnd EndIf
  12. You can do exactly what you want with the run function http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/Run.htm Read the remarks Also a tip to run several commands on one line you can seperate commands with the pipe character. To get return valuess you have to use StdoutRead and StderrRead Too much trouble then it's worth to re-invent the wheel
  13. Thanks, should have looked it up on msdn indeed, helpfile doesn't have this part.And checking for each key is more code then it's worth, i think ill just settle on monitoring mouse movement it's simplest and seems the most reliable method.
  14. can use one line by using the return values instead of errorcode like so. offcourse you have to adjust it to whatever return value that paticulair funtion uses incase of error If _myfunction() = 0 then ContinueLoop
  15. Hello i needed a function to detect userinput 1st i tried using: GUIRegisterMsg($WM_KEYDOWN, "_Exit") ($WM_KEYUP, "_Exit") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MOUSEMOVE, "_Exit")But that doesnt work once there are controls on the GUI so i came to find _Timer_GetIdleTime() but the issue here is that after user activity it does the following: 1. it resets to zero (as it should) 2. it starts counting again (as it should) 3. at 5000 it resets. (theres my issue) 4. it counts again without resetting at 5000 why does it reset a second time without user activity? example to recreate the problem: #include <Timers.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> GUICreate('_Timer_GetIdleTime', 512, 256) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $hLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 10, 10, 256, 25) $iTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime() While 1 $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit $iTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime() $iExtended = @extended GUICtrlSetData($hLabel, $iTime & ' ' & $iExtended) WEndHave searched the forums but haven't been able to find anyone with the same specific issue.
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