GuiToolTip user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <GuiToolTip.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_GUIToolTip_Activate Activates a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_AddTool Registers a tool with the ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_AdjustRect Calculates the text display rectangle from the window rectangle
_GUIToolTip_BitsToTTF Decode bit flags to TTF_* strings
_GUIToolTip_Create Creates a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_Deactivate Deactivates a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_DelTool Deletes a tool from a tooltip control
_GUIToolTip_Destroy Delete a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_EnumTools Retrieves information about the current tool
_GUIToolTip_GetBubbleHeight Returns the height of the control
_GUIToolTip_GetBubbleSize Returns the width and height of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetBubbleWidth Returns the width of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetCurrentTool Retrieves information for the current tool
_GUIToolTip_GetDelayTime Retrieves the initial, pop-up or reshow durations of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetMargin Retrieves the top, left, bottom, and right margins of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetMarginEx Retrieves the top, left, bottom, and right margins of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetMaxTipWidth Retrieves the maximum width of a ToolTip window
_GUIToolTip_GetText Retrieves the text of a tool
_GUIToolTip_GetTipBkColor Retrieves the background color
_GUIToolTip_GetTipTextColor Retrieves the text color of a ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetTitleBitMap Retrieves the title bitmap icon
_GUIToolTip_GetTitleText Retrieve the title
_GUIToolTip_GetToolCount Returns the count of tools maintained by the ToolTip control
_GUIToolTip_GetToolInfo Retrieves the information about a specific tool
_GUIToolTip_HitTest Retrieves the information that a ToolTip control maintains about a tool
_GUIToolTip_NewToolRect Sets a new bounding rectangle for a tool
_GUIToolTip_Pop Removes a displayed ToolTip from view
_GUIToolTip_PopUp Causes the ToolTip to display at the coordinates of the last mouse message
_GUIToolTip_SetDelayTime Sets the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations of a ToolTip
_GUIToolTip_SetMargin Sets the top, left, bottom, and right margins of a ToolTip
_GUIToolTip_SetMaxTipWidth Sets the maximum width for a ToolTip window
_GUIToolTip_SetTipBkColor Sets the background color of a ToolTip
_GUIToolTip_SetTipTextColor Sets the text color
_GUIToolTip_SetTitle Adds a standard icon and title string
_GUIToolTip_SetToolInfo Sets the information for a tool
_GUIToolTip_SetWindowTheme Sets the visual style
_GUIToolTip_ToolExists Determines whether a tool currently exists (is displayed)
_GUIToolTip_ToolToArray Transfers a ToolInfo structure to an array
_GUIToolTip_TrackActivate Activates or deactivates a tracking ToolTip
_GUIToolTip_TrackPosition Sets the position of a tracking ToolTip
_GUIToolTip_Update Forces the current tool to be redrawn
_GUIToolTip_UpdateTipText Sets the ToolTip text for a tool