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Andreik last won the day on April 1

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About Andreik

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I don't know what you saw but take a look here.
  2. The code above run just fine. You might have some application that steal the focus of you window. Try this and let me know if it works: Run("write.exe") WinWait('[CLASS:WordPadClass]') Send ("{PRINTSCREEN}") SendKeepActive('[CLASS:WordPadClass]') Send ("^v") SendKeepActive('')
  3. Post the script involving wordpad that fails if VM is not open. Also have a look at SendKeepActive().
  4. @Jos I think this is supposed to be some sort of example GUI for a LLM, maybe it fits better in examples section of the forum. In case anyone wonder why the script it doesn't work, just run it using x64 version, since the dll it's compiled as 64bit library. #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y As for me, I can't think of any place where I can use this anyway because it's very very slow. It takes like 30 seconds to answer to any basic question.
  5. It's nothing technical, it looks like the application start without being aware of the passed argument. Try using numerical arguments (see the previous post).
  6. I have a similar situation but I am using just the secondary monitor and I use displayswitch. If you are on Win 11 (probably available on other OSs) then you can use this: ShellExecute('DisplaySwitch.exe', '/internal', @WindowsDir & '\Sysnative', Default, @SW_HIDE) This will turn on primary display and turn off all other displays. You have here the full syntax:
  7. Centura:MDIFrame is the class name. Try this: Local $hMPW = WinActivate ("[CLASS:Centura:MDIFrame]") or AutoItSetOption('WinTitleMatchMode', 2) ; place this once at the beginning of the script Local $hMPW = WinActivate ("Material Planning Window")
  8. Check @extended to get the COM error code. Also please post a sample excel file so we can have a better idea where the issue might be.
  9. Const keyword in function parameters indicates that the value of the parameter will not change during the execution of the function.
  10. Or post your testscript.au3 so we don't have to make a blind guess.
  11. #include <Array.au3> Local $aArray[] = [" ", " This ", " ", "is ", " my test ", " "] $aArray1 = _Deye_ArrayDelEmptyRows($aArray, Chr(32)) _ArrayDisplay($aArray1) ; <<<--- trimed all spaces $aArray2 = _Deye_ArrayDelEmptyRows($aArray, Chr(34)) _ArrayDisplay($aArray2) ; <<<--- no empty spaces removed Func _Deye_ArrayDelEmptyRows(ByRef $aArray, $sDelim = Chr(32), $bUBound = False) Local $iArrayColumns = UBound($aArray, 2) If $iArrayColumns >= 1 Then Local $iCopyTo_Index = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 For $j = 0 To $iArrayColumns - 1 ;~ If StringStripWS($aArray[$i][$j], 8) Then ExitLoop If $aArray[$i][$j] Then ExitLoop If $j = $iArrayColumns - 1 Then ContinueLoop 2 Next If $i <> $iCopyTo_Index Then For $j = 0 To $iArrayColumns - 1 $aArray[$iCopyTo_Index][$j] = $aArray[$i][$j] Next EndIf $iCopyTo_Index += 1 Next If UBound($aArray) > $iCopyTo_Index Then ReDim $aArray[$iCopyTo_Index][$iArrayColumns] If $bUBound Then _ArrayInsert($aArray, 0, UBound($aArray)) Return ($aArray) Else Return StringSplit(StringTrimLeft(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sDelim & _ArrayToString($aArray, $sDelim), $sDelim & "[" & $sDelim & "]*[" & $sDelim & "]", $sDelim), $sDelim & "$", ""), 1), $sDelim, $bUBound ? "" : 3) EndIf EndFunc How is this a solve for OP's question?
  12. @Deye take your time to understand what OP asked for and what @AspirinJunkie pointed out.
  13. New version available. Fixed an issue that occur when reading books with incorrect guides.
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