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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2012 in all areas

  1. Heres a small little package I put together to get some functionality out of the wiimote to use with Autoit. Its works by communicating with the wiimote through a small interface app I wrote in c that uses the wiiuse library v12. The library is capable of connecting multiple wiimotes but will most likely start giving problems when more than 4 our connected. Using this library you can receive the following types of data from the wiimote: Motion Sensing Infrared Tracking Button Events Joystick Positioning LED and Rumble Control In order for this example to work you must first pair the wiimote with your computer. Try using the WiiPair Example script first. This will authentically pair the wiimote to your pc allowing it to remember the pair. If that does not work you can also do it manually. To do this, go to "Devices and Printers" and select "Add a device". Now make the wiimote discoverable. To do this either hold down buttons 1 and 2 or press the sync button underneath the battery cover. When it asks for a code just select pair with no code. If the wiimote is successfully paired and for some reason the example wont work or fail connecting, try running the other example thats in the extra folder. That is a true wiiuseexample written by the developer of Wiiuse. If that one wont work mine wont either. If you have paired the wiimote manually, when the Wiimote is powered off or the battery starts getting really low it will unpair itself from the pc, but will still be shown in "Devices and Printers". To re-pair, remove the wiimote first, then go through the pairing process. see example on how to use and plz leave feedback and rate. Thanks Last Update: 12/14/11 Created a tutorial show a method of creating a Wireless Voltage Meter using Wiimote, Pic chip and Autoit. The instructable is located here if your intrested. The package zip is at the bottom of the post. Be sure to let me know if your having any problems. Thanks Change Log: Functions: Example: Download Updated 11/30/11: WiimoteMT.zip Previous Downloads = 279 Download Analog to Digital Package Wiimote ADC.html Note: The .html link is just to help me keep track of downloads. Open the .html file and a download dialog will display.
    1 point
  2. Try to check the DisplayName. example : $sRegKey = "HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" $iKey = 1 While 1 $sHold = RegEnumKey($sRegKey, $iKey) If @Error Then ExitLoop $iKey += 1 IF RegRead($sRegKey & $sHold, "DisplayName") = 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended' Then $sCur_Val = RegRead($sRegKey & $sHold, "InstallLocation") If NOT @Error Then MsgBox(4096, "Result", $sHold & @CRLF & $sCur_Val, 3) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd
    1 point
  3. nick448

    While...WEnd HELP!

    I highly suggest you suck my dick
    1 point
  4. iGeniusEgy, As you seem unwilling to explain why you want to hide the IP, we are unwilling to help you in your quest. M23
    1 point
  5. Yeah, either use the standard UDF _Crypt_EncryptData() or Ward's excellent example for calculating the MD5 hash using OPCode Both are by some magnitudes faster and more reliable than using the md5deep.exe.
    1 point
  6. How very irritating. iGeniusEgy since you are obviously little slow here's an advice for you... when you see authority throwing smiles at you with no reason whatsoever, ask your self what is it that you are doing wrong.
    1 point
  7. flyingboz


    Compare featuresets of the two methodologies, grasshopper.
    1 point
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