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  1. The Big Rip is the name given to a theory in physics where the expansion of the universe accelerates to the point where even atoms get ripped apart. The first signs of the big rip will be when stars start to disappear from the night sky. Believe me you will be waiting around longer than the end of the universe if you try to randomly brute force even quite a short big rip encoded message. It works using the simplest possible method of all - namely the barrel lock. While most barrel locks are one dimensional, this one is three dimensional. Is this an encryption program? It was iintended as a coding exercise more than anything else. It fails as a universal encryption program because this version only works on multiline text documents written in AscII which contain the full delimiter string @CRLF. The text does not need to be arranged in a square. Anyone thinking of trying a 'meet in the middle attack' should look at what happens when you try to encode a message where all bits are set. It simply doesn't work. Is this a weakness? Well you decide. There are no instructions and all the controls are hidden (I want you to try and figure it out). Just something to put off a would-be hacker who happens to find your lost portable storage device. It might buy you a bit of extra time to cancel your credit card pin. Thanks to Guiness for help with the muliline password control. That's one unique feature you don't see every day. LINK REMOVED Thanks for looking.
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