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  1. Hello all, I would like to present my proof of concept work to the autoit forum and community. (I saw this as a concept in a few sci-fi shows and thought I would bring it into real life) What is it?: DARTIS (Dimensions And Relative Time Information System)© is a 4 dimensional holographic encryption algorithm which uses the current timestamp(measured down to femto seconds) to encrypt data under several layers of calculations. One large keyfile is used and multiple keys are extracted from it, and overlaid on each other to create 1,000,000,000,000,000 unique keys per second. Special thanks to the creator of the matrix maths udf (if this is you please let me know and I will put your name here.) Also special thanks to trancexx for her LZNT compression code. Please see the following link for the full set of functions and an example debugging application, which shows usage of all the functions. https://pdglobal.net/?pid=SIM#SIM (DARTIS is packed with SIM) DARTIS is an encryption scheme that extracts a timestamp from the current system time, then splits it up into an array of strings each 4 digits long. Then those strings are plugged into the 16mb keyfile blueprint, where each 4 digit value represents a 2D array. Then each 2D array is layered on top of the one that came before it, compressing the data underneath several layers of encryption. It's 4D because the key is derived from the system time(so the same key will never be used twice) And it's holographic because the data is buried underneath several layers of data. The full 16mb keyfile blueprint is required to re-extract the data that has been injected into the holographic keyfile blueprint. (as the values all have to be the same AND be in the same order) The only downside to this encryption scheme is that the only safe way to distribute keys is by snail mail or in person. (because if you transmit it via the internet, you're limiting the security of your keyfile blueprint to whatever lesser encryption algorithm you;re using to transmit the keyfile blueprint) Hope I explained it in a way that's easy to understand! If you have any further questions about it feel free to ask! (and/or look around the DARTIS.au3 file to see how this is done, and run DEBUG.au3 to see under the hood)
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