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Found 5 results

  1. I am trying to read 310.00 from <td>, But it returning empty #include <IE.au3> #include <Array.au3> $oIE = _IEAttach ("Shop") Local $totPri = '<td style="text-align: right;" colspan="5">Total Price&nbsp;</td>' , $totPri = "0" Local $oTds = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "td") For $oTd In $oTds If $oTd.InnerText = $totPri Then $totPri = $oTd.NextElementSibling.innertext EndIf Next MsgBox (0, "", $totPri) HTML :
  2. I am doing a automatic task that key in material number and retrieve the material information from database (The application was developed using Microsoft .Net). I use the ControlSetText to send text to textbox and use ControlGetText to get contents of textbox. But for DISPLAY only textbox, ControlGetText gets nothing. Is there other instruction can do this function? Appreciate for any suggestion.
  3. Hi there, I need to get text from another application.( A dictionary) But the text area of that program has no control ID. See this image of that program and it's window info.
  4. Hi all, I would like to know how to read or get text from another applications like notepad, word etc.. I have used WinGetText(). But it gives the title and some other text. I need to get what the user types on word or notepad. Please help. Thanks in advance.
  5. I have a control with [ClassNN:TDBWPRichText1] I tried using the below, but it is not reading the text, please help $data=ControlGetText("Power of Appeals","Government Agency Information","[ClassNN:TDBWPRichText1]") MsgBox(1,1,$data) The details captured by info tool is below. The ID keeps changing each time I open the application >>>> Window <<<< Title: Power of Appeals Class: TMainForm Position: -9, -9 Size: 1384, 752 Style: 0x17CF0000 ExStyle: 0x00010100 Handle: 0x002203E4 >>>> Control <<<< Class: TDBWPRichText Instance: 1 ClassnameNN: TDBWPRichText1 Name: Advanced (Class): [CLASS:TDBWPRichText; INSTANCE:1] ID: 789304 Text: Position: 250, 150 Size: 948, 442 ControlClick Coords: 336, 132 Style: 0x56A10000 ExStyle: 0x00000000 Handle: 0x000C0B38 >>>> Mouse <<<< Position: 595, 343 Cursor ID: 0 Color: 0xFFFFFF >>>> StatusBar <<<< >>>> ToolsBar <<<< >>>> Visible Text <<<< Government Agency Information Alabama
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