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  1. Hey everyone. I want to add a theming engine to a program of mine, so that there is multiple hues, ie red, green, orange, blue and so on. I also want to be able to change the brightness of the background, ie you can choose between a range oflight greys through to dark greys. I have searched the forum and came across this: #include<Array.au3> #include<Color.au3> #include<GUIConstantsEx.au3> GUICreate("",360,350) $gra = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0,0,360,20) GUISetState() $Color = 0xFFff00 GUISetBkColor($Color) ConsoleWrite("Color: 0x" & Hex($Color, 6) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Saturation: " & _Color_GetSaturation($Color) & " %" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Brightness: " & _Color_GetBrightness($Color) & " %" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Hue: " & _Color_GetHue($Color) & " º" & @CRLF) Sleep(1000) ConsoleWrite("Complementary color: " & _Color_FindComplementary($Color) & @CRLF & @CRLF) $i = 0 While $i < 2 $i += 1 GUISetBkColor(_Color_FindComplementary($Color)) Sleep(500) GUISetBkColor($Color) Sleep(500) WEnd GUISetBkColor(0) For $x = 0 To 360 Step 2 $hue = _Color_SetHue($Color, $x) ConsoleWrite("Hue: " & $x & " º" & $hue & @CRLF) ;~ GUISetBkColor($hue) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_COLOR,$hue,$hue) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_RECT,$x,0,2,20) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_REFRESH) Sleep(30) Next Sleep(500) GUISetBkColor($Color) GUICtrlDelete($gra) $gra = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0,0,350,20) $gra2 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0,20,350,20) ConsoleWrite(" Saturation: Brightness:" & @CRLF) For $x = 0 To 100 $sat = _Color_SetSaturation($Color, $x) $brigth = _Color_SetBrightness($Color, $x) ConsoleWrite($x & " % " & $sat & " " & $brigth & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_COLOR,$sat,$sat) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra2,$GUI_GR_COLOR,$brigth,$brigth) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_RECT,350*$x/100,0,Ceiling (350/100),20) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra2,$GUI_GR_RECT,350*$x/100,0,Ceiling( 350/100),20) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra,$GUI_GR_REFRESH) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gra2,$GUI_GR_REFRESH) Sleep(30) Next Func _Color_SetSaturation($iColor, $nPercent) Local $aColorArray[4] $nPercent = 1 - ($nPercent / 100) $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) If $aColorArray[1] = $aColorArray[2] And $aColorArray[2] = $aColorArray[3] Then Return -1 $IndexMax = _ArrayMaxIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMin = _ArrayMinIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMid = 6 - ($IndexMax + $IndexMin) $aColorArray[$IndexMid] = ($aColorArray[$IndexMax] * ($aColorArray[$IndexMid] - $aColorArray[$IndexMin])) / ($aColorArray[$IndexMax] - $aColorArray[$IndexMin]) $aColorArray[$IndexMid] = Round($aColorArray[$IndexMid] + ($aColorArray[$IndexMax] - $aColorArray[$IndexMid]) * $nPercent, 0) $aColorArray[$IndexMin] = Round($aColorArray[$IndexMax] * $nPercent, 0) Return 0 & "x" & Hex($aColorArray[1], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[2], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[3], 2) EndFunc ;==>_Color_SetSaturation Func _Color_GetSaturation($iColor) Local $aColorArray[4] $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) $IndexMax = _ArrayMaxIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMin = _ArrayMinIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMid = 6 - ($IndexMax + $IndexMin) Return Round((1 - $aColorArray[$IndexMin] / $aColorArray[$IndexMax]) * 100, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Color_GetSaturation Func _Color_SetBrightness($iColor, $nPercent) Local $aColorArray[4] $nPercent = $nPercent / 100 $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) $IndexMax = _ArrayMaxIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $ActBrightness = $aColorArray[$IndexMax] / 255 For $i = 1 To 3 $aColorArray[$i] = Round($aColorArray[$i] * $nPercent / $ActBrightness, 0) Next Return 0 & "x" & Hex($aColorArray[1], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[2], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[3], 2) EndFunc ;==>_Color_SetBrightness Func _Color_GetBrightness($iColor) Local $aColorArray[4] $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) $IndexMax = _ArrayMaxIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) Return Round(($aColorArray[$IndexMax] / 255) * 100, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Color_GetBrightness Func _Color_SetHue($iColor, $iHue) Local $aColorArray[4] $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) $iMax = _ArrayMax($aColorArray, 1, 1) $iMin = _ArrayMin($aColorArray, 1, 1) If $iHue >= 61 And $iHue <= 180 Then $IndexMax = 2 If $iHue < 120 Then $IndexMin = 3 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * (120 - $iHue)) / 60 + $iMin Else $IndexMin = 1 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * ($iHue - 120)) / 60 + $iMin EndIf ElseIf $iHue >= 181 And $iHue <= 299 Then $IndexMax = 3 If $iHue <= 240 Then $IndexMin = 1 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * (240 - $iHue)) / 60 + $iMin Else $IndexMin = 2 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * ($iHue - 240)) / 60 + $iMin EndIf ElseIf $iHue >= 300 Or $iHue <= 60 Then $IndexMax = 1 If $iHue <= 60 Then $IndexMin = 3 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * ($iHue)) / 60 + $iMin Else $IndexMin = 2 $iMid = (($iMax - $iMin) * (360 - $iHue)) / 60 + $iMin EndIf EndIf $IndexMid = 6 - ($IndexMin + $IndexMax) $aColorArray[$IndexMin] = $iMin $aColorArray[$IndexMax] = $iMax $aColorArray[$IndexMid] = $iMid Return 0 & "x" & Hex($aColorArray[1], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[2], 2) & Hex($aColorArray[3], 2) EndFunc ;==>_Color_SetHue Func _Color_GetHue($iColor) Local $aColorArray[4], $Hue $aColorArray[1] = _ColorGetRed($iColor) $aColorArray[2] = _ColorGetGreen($iColor) $aColorArray[3] = _ColorGetBlue($iColor) $IndexMax = _ArrayMaxIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMin = _ArrayMinIndex($aColorArray, 1, 1) $IndexMid = 6 - ($IndexMax + $IndexMin) $Lambda = ($aColorArray[$IndexMid] - $aColorArray[$IndexMin]) * 60 / ($aColorArray[$IndexMax] - $aColorArray[$IndexMin]) Switch $IndexMax Case 1 Switch $IndexMin Case 2 $Hue = 360 - $Lambda Case 3 $Hue = $Lambda EndSwitch Case 2 Switch $IndexMin Case 1 $Hue = 120 + $Lambda Case 3 $Hue = 120 - $Lambda EndSwitch Case 3 Switch $IndexMin Case 1 $Hue = 240 - $Lambda Case 2 $Hue = 240 + $Lambda EndSwitch EndSwitch Return Round($Hue, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Color_GetHue Func _Color_FindComplementary($iColor) Local $iHue = Mod(_Color_GetHue($iColor) + 180, 360) Return _Color_SetHue($iColor, $iHue) EndFunc ;==>_Color_FindComplementary However, I dont quite understand the hue changing function in this, or the brightness function. Are there any easier ways to do something like this? Otherwise, can someone please help me make sense of the hue and brightness functions? Thanks. Finally the autoit tags are working so there u go. Sorry bouth that, it was only showing the first few lines and then it swallowed up the edit button and all those buttons and so on.
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