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  1. LAST VERSION - 1.0 02-Feb-15 This UDF allows to use API Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) in AutoIt scripts. VHD format is a publicly-available image format specification that specifies a virtual hard disk encapsulated in a single file, capable of hosting native file systems while supporting standard disk and file operations. VHD is supported on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. WinAPIVhd UDF written for AutoIt 3.3.6.x or later, however, if you are using AutiIt 3.3.12.x, you can integrate this library into AutoIt package (see below). The library contains a detailed help file (WinAPIVhd.chm) in AutoIt style, syntax highlighting and calltips files for SciTE (required full version), and full examples. I hope that many users will find this library useful. Moreover, I created two icons for the file types .vhd (Virtual Hard Disk) and .vhdx (Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk) which you can use for yourself. You can also download more document icons in the same style for AutoIt, Restorator, etc. To associate icons with the required file types, you can use my simple utility >File Types Manager. Installation (optionaly) If you are using AutiIt or later, you can integrate WinAPIVhd UDF library into AutoIt package. This will add the calltips and syntax highlighting for new functions, and provide a simpler way to include the library in your scripts. To integrate WinAPIVhd UDF library into AutoIt, you should do the following steps. Before to do anything, you should make sure that the WinAPIVhd UDF library is not included in the AutoIt package. For more information, see the help file (WinAPIVhd.chm) within the archive. Сopy APIVhdConstants.au3 and WinAPIVhd.au3 to AutoIt3Include.Сopy Examples*.au3 to AutoIt3ExamplesHelpFile.Сopy SciTE*.* to AutoIt3SciTE (only if the full version of SciTE is installed).Сopy HelpWinAPIVhd.chm to AutoIt3.Open AutoIt3IncludeAPIConstants.au3 in SciTE and add the line #include "APIVhdConstants.au3" to the end of list.Open AutoIt3IncludeWinAPIEx.au3 in SciTE and add the line #include "WinAPIVhd.au3" to the end of list. Available functions WinAPIVhd UDF Library v1.0 Previous downloads: 17 WinAPIVhd.zip Example #Include <APIConstants.au3> #Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #Include <EditConstants.au3> #Include <WinAPIEx.au3> #Include <APIVhdConstants.au3> #Include <WinAPIVhd.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Opt('TrayAutoPause', 0) Global $hForm, $hVHD = 0, $Edit, $Button[3], $Path, $Size = 128 * 1024 * 1024 If _WinAPI_GetVersion() < '6.1' Then MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Require Windows 7 or later.') Exit EndIf $hForm = GUICreate('VHD API Example', 460, 302) $Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 13, 13, 434, 238, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, 'Courier New') GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x404040) $Button[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Create VHD', 12, 263, 140, 27) $Button[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Open VHD', 160, 263, 140, 27) $Button[2] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Close VHD', 308, 263, 140, 27) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If $hVHD Then _VHD_Close() EndIf Exit Case $Button[0] $Path = FileSaveDialog('Create VHD', @ScriptDir, 'Virtual Hard Disk (*.vhd)|All Files (*.*)', 2 + 16, 'Test.vhd', $hForm) If $Path Then If FileExists($Path) Then FileDelete($Path) EndIf Else ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Edit, '') If Not _VHD_Create($Path, $Size) Then If FileExists($Path) Then FileDelete($Path) EndIf ContinueLoop EndIf For $i = 0 To 1 GUiCtrlSetState($Button[$i], $GUI_DISABLE) Next GUiCtrlSetState($Button[2], $GUI_ENABLE) Case $Button[1] $Path = FileOpenDialog('Open VHD', @ScriptDir, 'Virtual Hard Disk (*.vhd)|All Files (*.*)', 1 + 2, '', $hForm) If $Path Then Else ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Edit, '') If Not _VHD_Open($Path) Then ContinueLoop EndIf For $i = 0 To 1 GUiCtrlSetState($Button[$i], $GUI_DISABLE) Next GUiCtrlSetState($Button[2], $GUI_ENABLE) Case $Button[2] _VHD_Close() GUiCtrlSetState($Button[2], $GUI_DISABLE) For $i = 0 To 1 GUiCtrlSetState($Button[$i], $GUI_ENABLE) Next EndSwitch WEnd Func _P2L($sDisk) Local $aData, $aList, $iDisk, $iTime, $sMask = '' $iDisk = StringReplace($sDisk, '\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE', '') If Not StringIsDigit($iDisk) Then Return $sDisk EndIf $iDisk = Number($iDisk) $iTime = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($iTime) < 5000 $aList = DriveGetDrive('FIXED') If IsArray($aList) Then For $i = 1 To $aList[0] If Not StringInStr($sMask, $aList[$i]) Then $aData =_WinAPI_GetDriveNumber($aList[$i]) If (IsArray($aData)) And ($aData[1] = $iDisk) Then Return StringUpper($aList[$i]) EndIf EndIf $sMask&= $aList[$i] Next EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return $sDisk EndFunc ;==>_P2L Func _Log($sEvent, $iError = -1) Switch $iError Case -1 $sEvent &= @CRLF Case 0 $sEvent &= ': OK' & @CRLF Case Else $sEvent &= ': FAIL (' & $iError & ')' & @CRLF EndSwitch GUICtrlSendMsg($Edit, $EM_SETSEL, 32767, 32767) GUICtrlSetData($Edit, $sEvent, 1) EndFunc ;==>_Log Func _VHD_Close() Local $sDisk = _P2L(_WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath($hVHD)) _WinAPI_DetachVirtualDisk($hVHD) If @Error Then _Log('Detach', @Extended) Else _Log('Detach', 0) EndIf _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hVHD) $hVHD = 0 If $sDisk Then _Log('VHD (' & $sDisk & ') has been closed!') EndIf EndFunc ;==>_VHD_Close Func _VHD_Create($sPath, $iSize) Local $tVST, $tCVDPV1, $tGVDI, $sDisk, $Error = True _Log('Path: ' & _WinAPI_PathCompactPathEx($sPath, 60)) Do $tVST = _WinAPI_CreateVirtualStorageType($VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD, $VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_MICROSOFT) $tCVDPV1 = _WinAPI_CreateCreateVirtualDiskParametersV1($iSize) $hVHD = _WinAPI_CreateVirtualDisk($sPath, $tVST, $tCVDPV1, $VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_ALL, $CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_FULL_PHYSICAL_ALLOCATION) If @Error Then _Log('Create', @Extended) ExitLoop Else _Log('Create', 0) EndIf _WinAPI_AttachVirtualDisk($hVHD) If @Error Then _Log('Attach', @Extended) ExitLoop Else _Log('Attach', 0) EndIf $sDisk = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath($hVHD) If @Error Then ; Nothing EndIf _VHD_Initialize($sDisk) If @Error Then _Log('Initialize', @Extended) ExitLoop Else _Log('Initialize', 0) EndIf $Error = False Until 1 If $Error Then If $hVHD Then _WinAPI_DetachVirtualDisk($hVHD) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hVHD) EndIf $hVHD = 0 Return 0 EndIf $tGVDI = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskInformation($hVHD, $GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_IDENTIFIER) If Not @Error Then _Log('GUID: ' & _WinAPI_StringFromGUID(DllStructGetPtr($tGVDI, 'Identifier'))) EndIf $tGVDI = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskInformation($hVHD, $GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_SIZE) If Not @Error Then _Log('Size: ' & _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize(DllStructGetData($tGVDI, 'VirtualSize'))) EndIf _Log('VHD (' & _P2L($sDisk) & ') has been successfully created and ready for use!') Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_VHD_Create Func _VHD_Initialize($sDisk) ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED = 0x00 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_EXTENDED = 0x05 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_FAT_12 = 0x01 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_FAT_16 = 0x04 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_FAT_32 = 0x0B Local Const $PARTITION_IFS = 0x07 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_LDM = 0x42 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_NTFT = 0x80 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_VALID_NTFT = 0xC0 Local Const $PARTITION_STYLE_MBR = 0 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_STYLE_GPT = 1 ;~ Local Const $PARTITION_STYLE_RAW = 2 Local Const $tagDISK_GEOMETRY = 'int64 Cylinders;dword MediaType;dword TracksPerCylinder;dword SectorsPerTrack;dword BytesPerSector;' Local Const $tagCREATE_DISK_MBR = 'dword Signature;byte GPT[16];' ;~ Local Const $tagCREATE_DISK_GPT = 'byte DiskId[16];dword MaxPartitionCount' Local Const $tagCREATE_DISK = 'dword PartitionStyle;' & $tagCREATE_DISK_MBR Local Const $tagPARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR = 'byte PartitionType;boolean BootIndicator;boolean RecognizedPartition;dword HiddenSectors;byte GPT[104];' ;~ Local Const $tagPARTITION_INFORMATION_GPT = 'byte PartitionType[16];byte PartitionId[16];uint64 Attributes;wchar Name[36];' Local Const $tagPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX = 'dword PartitionStyle;int64 StartingOffset;int64 PartitionLength;dword PartitionNumber;boolean RewritePartition;byte Alignment[3];' & $tagPARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR Local Const $tagDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_MBR = 'ulong Signature;byte GPT[36];' ;~ Local Const $tagDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_GPT = 'byte DiskId[16];int64 StartingUsableOffset;int64 UsableLength;ulong MaxPartitionCount;' Local Const $tagDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX = 'dword PartitionStyle;dword PartitionCount;' & $tagDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_MBR & 'byte PartitionEntry[144];' Local Const $tagVERIFY_INFORMATION = 'int64 StartingOffset;dword Length' Local $hFile, $tDG, $tCD, $tDLIEX, $tPIEX, $tVI, $Error, $Extended = 0 Do $Error = 1 $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFileEx($sDisk, $OPEN_EXISTING, BitOR($GENERIC_READ, $GENERIC_WRITE), BitOR($FILE_SHARE_READ, $FILE_SHARE_WRITE), $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) If @Error Then ExitLoop EndIf ; IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY $Error = 2 $tDG = DllStructCreate($tagDISK_GEOMETRY) If Not _WinAPI_DeviceIoControl($hFile, $IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, 0, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tDG), DllStructGetSize($tDG)) Then ExitLoop EndIf ; IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK $Error = 3 $tCD = DllStructCreate($tagCREATE_DISK) DllStructSetData($tCD, 'PartitionStyle', $PARTITION_STYLE_MBR) DllStructSetData($tCD, 'Signature', 0xA4B57300) If Not _WinAPI_DeviceIoControl($hFile, $IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK, DllStructGetPtr($tCD), DllStructGetSize($tCD)) Then ExitLoop EndIf ; IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX $Error = 4 $tDLIEX = DllStructCreate($tagDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX) DllStructSetData($tDLIEX, 'PartitionStyle', $PARTITION_STYLE_MBR) DllStructSetData($tDLIEX, 'PartitionCount', 1) DllStructSetData($tDLIEX, 'Signature', 0xA4B57300) $tPIEX = DllStructCreate($tagPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX, DllStructGetPtr($tDLIEX, 'PartitionEntry')) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'PartitionStyle', $PARTITION_STYLE_MBR) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'StartingOffset', 0) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'PartitionLength', DllStructGetData($tDG, 'Cylinders') * DllStructGetData($tDG, 'TracksPerCylinder') * DllStructGetData($tDG, 'SectorsPerTrack') * DllStructGetData($tDG, 'BytesPerSector')) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'PartitionNumber', 1) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'RewritePartition', 1) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'PartitionType', $PARTITION_IFS) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'BootIndicator', 0) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'RecognizedPartition', 1) DllStructSetData($tPIEX, 'HiddenSectors', 1) If Not _WinAPI_DeviceIoControl($hFile, $IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, DllStructGetPtr($tDLIEX), DllStructGetSize($tDLIEX)) Then ExitLoop EndIf ; IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY $Error = 5 $tVI = DllStructCreate($tagVERIFY_INFORMATION) DllStructSetData($tVI, 'StartingOffset', 0) DllStructSetData($tVI, 'Length', DllStructGetData($tPIEX, 'PartitionLength')) If Not _WinAPI_DeviceIoControl($hFile, $IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY, DllStructGetPtr($tVI), DllStructGetSize($tVI)) Then ExitLoop EndIf ; IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES $Error = 6 If Not _WinAPI_DeviceIoControl($hFile, $IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES) Then ExitLoop EndIf $Error = 0 Until 1 If $Error Then $Extended = _WinAPI_GetLastError() EndIf If $hFile Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) EndIf Return SetError($Error, $Extended, Not $Error) EndFunc ;==>_VHD_Initialize Func _VHD_Open($sPath) Local $tVST, $tGVDI, $sDisk, $Error = True _Log('Path: ' & _WinAPI_PathCompactPathEx($sPath, 50)) Do $tVST = _WinAPI_CreateVirtualStorageType($VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD, $VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_MICROSOFT) $hVHD = _WinAPI_OpenVirtualDisk($sPath, $tVST, 0, $VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_ALL) If @Error Then _Log('Open', @Extended) ExitLoop Else _Log('Open', 0) EndIf _WinAPI_AttachVirtualDisk($hVHD) If @Error Then _Log('Attach', @Extended) ExitLoop Else _Log('Attach', 0) EndIf $Error = False Until 1 If $Error Then If $hVHD Then _WinAPI_DetachVirtualDisk($hVHD) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hVHD) EndIf $hVHD = 0 Return 0 EndIf $tGVDI = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskInformation($hVHD, $GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_IDENTIFIER) If Not @Error Then _Log('GUID: ' & _WinAPI_StringFromGUID(DllStructGetPtr($tGVDI, 'Identifier'))) EndIf $tGVDI = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskInformation($hVHD, $GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_SIZE) If Not @Error Then _Log('Size: ' & _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize(DllStructGetData($tGVDI, 'VirtualSize'))) EndIf $sDisk = _WinAPI_GetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath($hVHD) If Not @Error Then _Log('VHD (' & _P2L($sDisk) & ') has been successfully opened and ready for use!') EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_VHD_Open
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