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  1. Here is another UDF . With this UDF now you can check if a specified browser/software is installed an you are also able to get what version is in used. Supported Software: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Java and Silverlight. Changelog v.1.2.0 (08/05/2013) Fixed Huge code improvements ;Thnks to guinness for the suggestion Fixed Wrong return value if path ends with a backslash ;===================================================== v.1.1.0 (06/04/2013) Added _NavInfo_GetFirefoxLocation Added _NavInfo_GetThunderbirdLocation Added _NavInfo_GetChromeLocation Added _NavInfo_GetOperaLocation Added _NavInfo_GetSafariLocation Added _NavInfo_GetJavaLocation ;===================================================== v.1.0.1 (16/03/2013) Fixed _NavInfo_IsOperaInstalled Thanks to guinness for bug report Added _NavInfo_GetDefaultBrowser Added _NavInfo_GetIEVersion ;===================================================== v.1.0.0 (16/03/2013) Initial Release Here is the current function: ;_NavInfo_GetDefaultBrowser ;_NavInfo_GetIEVersion ;_NavInfo_IsFirefoxInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetFirefoxVersion ;_NavInfo_IsThunderbirdInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetThunderbirdVersion ;_NavInfo_IsChromeInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetChromeVersion ;_NavInfo_IsOperaInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetOperaVersion ;_NavInfo_IsSafariInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetSafariVersion ;_NavInfo_IsJavaInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetJavaVersion ;_NavInfo_IsSilverlightInstalled ;_NavInfo_GetSilverlightVersion Some example: #include "NavInfo.au3" $Default_Browser = _NavInfo_GetDefaultBrowser() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Default Browser", $Default_Browser) EndIf $IE_Version = _NavInfo_GetIEVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Internet Explorer", "Internet Explorer version: " & $IE_Version) EndIf $Is_Firefox = _NavInfo_IsFirefoxInstalled() If $Is_Firefox Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Firefox is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Firefox is not installed on this system") EndIf $Firefox_Version = _NavInfo_GetFirefoxVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Firefox Version", "Firefox Version: " & $Firefox_Version[0] & @CRLF & "Firefox Language: " & $Firefox_Version[1]) EndIf If $Is_Firefox Then $Firefox_Location = _NavInfo_GetFirefoxLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The firefox location is: " & $Firefox_Location) EndIf $Is_Thunderbird = _NavInfo_IsThunderbirdInstalled() If $Is_Thunderbird Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Thunderbird is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Thunderbird is not installed on this system") EndIf $Thunderbird_Version = _NavInfo_GetThunderbirdVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Thunderbird Version", "Thunderbird Version: " & $Thunderbird_Version[0] & @CRLF & "Thunderbird Language: " & $Thunderbird_Version[1]) EndIf If $Is_Thunderbird Then $Thunderbird_Location = _NavInfo_GetThunderbirdLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The Thunderbird location is: " & $Thunderbird_Location) EndIf $Is_Chrome = _NavInfo_IsChromeInstalled() If $Is_Chrome Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Chrome is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Chrome is not installed on this system") EndIf $Chrome_Version = _NavInfo_GetChromeVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Chrome Version", "Chrome Version: " & $Chrome_Version) EndIf If $Is_Chrome Then $Chrome_Location = _NavInfo_GetChromeLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The Chrome location is: " & $Chrome_Location) EndIf $Is_Opera = _NavInfo_IsOperaInstalled() If $Is_Opera Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Opera is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Opera is not installed on this system") EndIf $Opera_Version = _NavInfo_GetOperaVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Opera Version", "Opera version: " & $Opera_Version) EndIf If $Is_Opera Then $Opera_Location = _NavInfo_GetOperaLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The Opera location is: " & $Opera_Location) EndIf $Is_Safari = _NavInfo_IsSafariInstalled() If $Is_Safari Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Safari is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Safari is not installed on this system") EndIf $Safari_Version = _NavInfo_GetSafariVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Safari Version", "Safari Version: " & $Safari_Version) EndIf If $Is_Safari Then $Safari_Location = _NavInfo_GetSafariLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The Safari location is: " & $Safari_Location) EndIf $Is_Java = _NavInfo_IsJavaInstalled() If $Is_Java Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Java is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Java is not installed on this system") EndIf $Java_Version = _NavInfo_GetJavaVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Java Version", "Java version: " & $Java_Version) EndIf If $Is_Java Then $Java_Location = _NavInfo_GetJavaLocation() MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "The Java location is: " & $Java_Location) EndIf $Is_Silverlight = _NavInfo_IsSilverlightInstalled() If $Is_Silverlight Then MsgBox(0, "Ok!", "Silverlight is installed") Else MsgBox(0, "Ops", "Silverlight is not installed on this system") EndIf $Silverlight_Version = _NavInfo_GetSilverlightVersion() If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "Silverlight Version", "Silverlight Version: " & $Silverlight_Version) EndIf Previous download: 48 Hi! NavInfo v.1.2.0.rar
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