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  1. Disk and Device Read/Write (I/O) Statistics This is an example of getting and displaying Read/Write Activity for all Disks and Device I/O. The actual UDF function _NTQuerySysPerfInfo() returns a whole lot more Performance Information for the computer; however, we are focused on I/O activitiy here. This was written as a faster alternative to WMI, as well as an alternative to >Performance Counters (see my >Physical Disk Read/Write activity example). Update 2013-07-06: Changed: Renamed module Changed: _AddCommas now uses a nicer PCRE Fixed - Copy and paste errors Added - Comma separators DiskDeviceIOStatistics.au3 ; ======================================================================================================== ; <DiskDeviceIOStatistics.au3> ; ; Example of reading and displaying Disk and Device I/O Statistics, using a 'Spash' window ; NOTE There is alot more data returned from _NTSysPerformanceInfo(), but ; for our purposes, we focus only on I/O data ; ; Functions: ; _NTSysPerformanceInfo() ; Returns I/O and a whole slew of other Performance Info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ======================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Func _NTSysPerformanceInfo() ; ; Returns Disk & Device I/O Statistics (and much more) from NtQuerySystemInformation. ; ; NOTE: ZWReadFile and ZWWriteFile are low-level File I/O that are called by higher-level File I/O ; (such as ReadFile and WriteFile) ; ; Returns: ; Success: Array of I/O and Performance Stats: ; [0] = Idle Time of all CPU's on the system (in 100-nanosecond intervals) ; [1] = # of Bytes Read through ZWReadFile calls ; [2] = # of Bytes Written through ZWWriteFile calls ; [3] = # of Bytes for all Other I/O Operations (such as Device I/O) ; [4] = # of calls made to ZWReadFile (NOT the # of bytes - see [1]) ; [5] = # of calls made to ZWWriteFile (NOT the # of bytes - see [2]) ; [6] = # of calls to other I/O Operations (such as Device I/O) - see [3] ; [7] = # of Physical Pages Available to Processes ; [8] = # of Commited Pages of Virtual Memory ; [9] = Commit Limit - # of Pages that can be committed before extending PageFile ; [10] = Peak # of Pages of Committed Virtual Memory ; [11] = # of Page Faults (soft and hard) ; [12] = # of Write Faults (attempts to write to copy-on-write pages) ; [13] = # of Soft Page Faults [TransitionFaults] ; [14] = # of Demand Zero Faults ; [15] = # of Pages Read from Disk to Resolve Page Faults ; [16] = # of Read Operations to Resolve Page Faults [not # of pages] ; [17] = # of Pages Written to System's Pagefiles ; [18] = # of Write operations performed on System's Pagefiles ; .. alot more info (see SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFO structure) .. ; [73] = # of System Calls ; ; Failure: "" with @error set: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: NTSTATUS returned error code, @extended contains error code ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; =================================================================================================================== Func _NTQuerySysPerfInfo() #cs ; SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION Defined as size 312 in latest <winternl.h>, ; but on Win7 this is 328 (both 32-bit and 64-bit modes). ; For now I've added a buffer at the end of 16 bytes (+ 16 more for future issues). ; Hopefully eventually I'll be able to track down what the extra data is. ; Its obviously not a 32-bit vs 64-bit size difference.. #ce Local Const $tagSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION = "uint64 IdleTime;uint64 ReadTransferCount;uint64 WriteTransferCount;uint64 OtherTransferCount;" & _ "ULONG ReadOperationCount;ULONG WriteOperationCount;ULONG OtherOperationCount;" & _ "ULONG AvailablePages;ULONG TotalCommittedPages;ULONG TotalCommitLimit;ULONG PeakCommitment;" & _ "ULONG PageFaults;ULONG WriteCopyFaults;ULONG TransitionFaults;ULONG Reserved1;ULONG DemandZeroFaults;ULONG PagesRead;ULONG PageReadIos;" & _ "ULONG Reserved2[2];ULONG PagefilePagesWritten;ULONG PagefilePageWriteIos;ULONG MappedFilePagesWritten;ULONG MappedFilePageWriteIos;" & _ "ULONG PagedPoolUsage;ULONG NonPagedPoolUsage;ULONG PagedPoolAllocs;ULONG PagedPoolFrees;ULONG NonPagedPoolAllocs;ULONG NonPagedPoolFrees;" & _ "ULONG TotalFreeSystemPtes;ULONG SystemCodePage;ULONG TotalSystemDriverPages;ULONG TotalSystemCodePages;" & _ "ULONG SmallNonPagedLookasideListAllocateHits;ULONG SmallPagedLookasideListAllocateHits;ULONG Reserved3;" & _ "ULONG MmSystemCachePage;ULONG PagedPoolPage;ULONG SystemDriverPage;" & _ "ULONG FastReadNoWait;ULONG FastReadWait;ULONG FastReadResourceMiss;ULONG FastReadNotPossible;ULONG FastMdlReadNoWait;" & _ "ULONG FastMdlReadWait;ULONG FastMdlReadResourceMiss;ULONG FastMdlReadNotPossible;" & _ "ULONG MapDataNoWait;ULONG MapDataWait;ULONG MapDataNoWaitMiss;ULONG MapDataWaitMiss;" & _ "ULONG PinMappedDataCount;ULONG PinReadNoWait;ULONG PinReadWait;ULONG PinReadNoWaitMiss;ULONG PinReadWaitMiss;" & _ "ULONG CopyReadNoWait;ULONG CopyReadWait;ULONG CopyReadNoWaitMiss;ULONG CopyReadWaitMiss;" & _ "ULONG MdlReadNoWait;ULONG MdlReadWait;ULONG MdlReadNoWaitMiss;ULONG MdlReadWaitMiss;" & _ "ULONG ReadAheadIos;ULONG LazyWriteIos;ULONG LazyWritePages;ULONG DataFlushes;ULONG DataPages;" & _ "ULONG ContextSwitches;ULONG FirstLevelTbFills;ULONG SecondLevelTbFills;ULONG SystemCalls;" & "ULONG Buffer[8];" Local $stSysPerfInfo,$iSysInfoLen $stSysPerfInfo = DllStructCreate($tagSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) $iSysInfoLen = DllStructGetSize($stSysPerfInfo) ;~ ConsoleWrite("SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structure size:" & $iSysInfoLen & @CRLF) ; SystemPerformanceInformation = class 2 Local $aRet=DllCall("ntdll.dll","long","NtQuerySystemInformation","int",2,"ptr",DllStructGetPtr($stSysPerfInfo),"ulong",$iSysInfoLen,"ulong*",0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") ; NTSTATUS of something OTHER than success? If $aRet[0] Then ;~ If $aRet[0] = 0xC0000004 Then ConsoleWrite("STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH, size required: " &$aRet[4] & @CRLF) Return SetError(3, $aRet[0], "") EndIf ;~ If $aRet[4]<>$iSysInfoLen Then ConsoleWriteError("Size mismatch: $stInfo struct length="&$iSysInfoLen&", ReturnLength="&$aRet[4]&@LF) ;~ _DLLStructDisplay($stSysPerfInfo, $tagSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) Dim $aRet[74] For $i = 1 To 74 $aRet[$i - 1] = DllStructGetData($stSysPerfInfo, $i) Next Return $aRet EndFunc ; ==================================================================================================== ; Func _AddCommas($sString) ; ; Simple PCRE to add commas - borrowed from StackOverflow ; "regex - Insert commas into number string" - answer by toolkit: ; @ http://stackoverflow.com/a/721415 ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ==================================================================================================== Func _AddCommas($sString) Return StringRegExpReplace($sString, "(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)", "$1,") EndFunc ; -------------------- HOTKEY FUNCTION & VARIABLE -------------------- Global $bHotKeyPressed = False Func _EscPressed() $bHotKeyPressed=True EndFunc ; -------------------- MAIN PROGRAM CODE -------------------- HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_EscPressed") Local $hSplash, $sSplashText Local $aIOStats $aIOStats = _NTQuerySysPerfInfo() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("@error = " &@error & ", @extended = " &Hex(@extended) & @CRLF) EndIf ConsoleWrite(" I/O Stats: Read = " & _AddCommas($aIOStats[1]) & "; Write = " & _AddCommas($aIOStats[2]) & "; Other = " & _AddCommas($aIOStats[3]) & @CRLF) $hSplash=SplashTextOn("Hard Drive Usage Information", "", 740, 24 + (4 * 15), Default, Default, 16+4, "Lucida Console", 11) ; Start loop Do $aIOStats = _NTQuerySysPerfInfo() $sSplashText = StringFormat("%50s", "== I/O Stats ==") & @CRLF $sSplashText &= StringFormat("Read = %20s | Write = %20s | Other = %20s", _AddCommas($aIOStats[1]), _AddCommas($aIOStats[2]), _AddCommas($aIOStats[3])) & @CRLF $sSplashText &= @CRLF & StringFormat("%48s", "[ESC] Exits") & @CRLF ControlSetText($hSplash, "", "[CLASS:Static; INSTANCE:1]", $sSplashText) Sleep(500) Until $bHotKeyPressed
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