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  1. So I've got 2 UPSs connected to 3 PCs and with the USB connectors to 1 PC. The load is not even and they discharge at different rates. _WinAPI_GetSystemPowerStatus() gives me an average reading ( 1 UPS can be at 90% and the other at 10% ) but is lighter than WMI. WMI Win32_Battery gives me independent readings but is heavier to run. My question is: is there a DLL way ( as in the WinAPI call ) to get independent reading as WMI does ? ( This WMI code below is not needed to answer my question, but here it is anyway ) #include "Array.au3" Opt("MustDeclareVars",1) Opt("TrayIconDebug",1) Opt("TrayAutoPause",0) Global $_nice_COMerrorArray, $_nice_COMerrorObj _nice_COMerrorHandler(1) ; COM error handler. ToolTip("mouse over the trayicon for debug info.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Local $a = _WMI_Win32_Battery() If @error Then Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox(262144, "WMI ScriptOMatic error", "No WMI Objects Found for class: ""Win32_Battery""" ) Case 2 MsgBox(262144, "WMI ScriptOMatic error", "ObjGet failed") Case 3 MsgBox(262144, "WMI ScriptOMatic error", "ObjCreate failed") Case 4 MsgBox(262144, "WMI ScriptOMatic error", "ConnectServer failed") Case Else MsgBox(262144, "WMI ScriptOMatic error", "unknown error") EndSwitch Else Switch @extended Case 0 ToolTip("Done.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Case 1 ToolTip("Nothing, you've got nothing."&@CR&@CR&"Adjust the query", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",2,4) Case 2 ToolTip("More than you can chew."&@CR&@CR&"Adjust the ""$iLimit"" or the query", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",2,4) EndSwitch If $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] Then _nice_COMerrorHandler(2) _ArrayDisplay( $a ,"ScriptOMatic - ""Win32_Battery""") EndIf Func _WMI_Win32_Battery( $iLimit = 1020 , $sComputer = "." , $sUser = "" , $sPassword = "" ) ; Generated by AutoIt ScriptOMatic ; Description: The Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected to the computer system. ; This class applies to both batteries in Laptop Systems and other internal/external batteries. ; Class Methods: ; ; SetPowerState ; Reset Local $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 Local $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Local $colItems = "" Local $sReturn="" Local $iExt = 0 If 1 > Int( $iLimit ) Then $iLimit = 1 Local $aReturn[1000][ Int( $iLimit ) + 1] $aReturn[0][0] = 0 $aReturn[0][1] = 0 Local $aErr[1][2] = [[0, 0]] If $sComputer & $sUser & $sPassword = "." Then ToolTip("...ObjGet", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Local $oWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputer & "\root\CIMV2") If Not IsObj($oWMIService) Then Return SetError(2, 99, $aErr) Else ToolTip("...ObjCreate", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Local $wmiLocator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") If Not IsObj($wmiLocator) Then Return SetError(3, 99, $aErr) ToolTip("...ConnectServer", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Local $oWMIService = $wmiLocator.ConnectServer($sComputer, "\root\CIMV2", $sUser, $sPassword) If Not IsObj($oWMIService) Then Return SetError(4, 99, $aErr) EndIf ToolTip("...ExecQuery", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) Local $colItems = $oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery", _ "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) ToolTip("...ExecQuery executed."& @CR &"...waiting for data.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) If IsObj($colItems) Then ; Class Properties: Names: ; $aReturn[ 1 ][ 0 ] = "Availability" $aReturn[ 2 ][ 0 ] = "BatteryRechargeTime" $aReturn[ 3 ][ 0 ] = "BatteryStatus" $aReturn[ 4 ][ 0 ] = "Caption" $aReturn[ 5 ][ 0 ] = "Chemistry" $aReturn[ 6 ][ 0 ] = "ConfigManagerErrorCode" $aReturn[ 7 ][ 0 ] = "ConfigManagerUserConfig" $aReturn[ 8 ][ 0 ] = "CreationClassName" $aReturn[ 9 ][ 0 ] = "Description" $aReturn[ 10 ][ 0 ] = "DesignCapacity" $aReturn[ 11 ][ 0 ] = "DesignVoltage" $aReturn[ 12 ][ 0 ] = "DeviceID" $aReturn[ 13 ][ 0 ] = "ErrorCleared" $aReturn[ 14 ][ 0 ] = "ErrorDescription" $aReturn[ 15 ][ 0 ] = "EstimatedChargeRemaining" $aReturn[ 16 ][ 0 ] = "EstimatedRunTime" $aReturn[ 17 ][ 0 ] = "ExpectedBatteryLife" $aReturn[ 18 ][ 0 ] = "ExpectedLife" $aReturn[ 19 ][ 0 ] = "FullChargeCapacity" $aReturn[ 20 ][ 0 ] = "InstallDate" $aReturn[ 21 ][ 0 ] = "LastErrorCode" $aReturn[ 22 ][ 0 ] = "MaxRechargeTime" $aReturn[ 23 ][ 0 ] = "Name" $aReturn[ 24 ][ 0 ] = "PNPDeviceID" $aReturn[ 25 ][ 0 ] = "PowerManagementCapabilities" $aReturn[ 26 ][ 0 ] = "PowerManagementSupported" $aReturn[ 27 ][ 0 ] = "SmartBatteryVersion" $aReturn[ 28 ][ 0 ] = "Status" $aReturn[ 29 ][ 0 ] = "StatusInfo" $aReturn[ 30 ][ 0 ] = "SystemCreationClassName" $aReturn[ 31 ][ 0 ] = "SystemName" $aReturn[ 32 ][ 0 ] = "TimeOnBattery" $aReturn[ 33 ][ 0 ] = "TimeToFullCharge" $aReturn[0][0] = 33 For $objItem In $colItems $aReturn[0][1] = $aReturn[0][1] + 1 If Not Mod( $aReturn[0][1] , 100 ) Then ToolTip("...adding "& $aReturn[0][1] &" of "&$iLimit &" ??", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Battery",1,4) If $aReturn[0][1] > $iLimit Then $iExt = 2 ExitLoop EndIf ; Class Properties: Values: ; $aReturn[ 1 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_Availability( $objItem.Availability ) $aReturn[ 2 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.BatteryRechargeTime $aReturn[ 3 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_BatteryStatus( $objItem.BatteryStatus ) $aReturn[ 4 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Caption $aReturn[ 5 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_Chemistry( $objItem.Chemistry ) $aReturn[ 6 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_ConfigManagerErrorCode( $objItem.ConfigManagerErrorCode ) $aReturn[ 7 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ConfigManagerUserConfig $aReturn[ 8 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.CreationClassName $aReturn[ 9 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Description $aReturn[ 10 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.DesignCapacity $aReturn[ 11 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.DesignVoltage $aReturn[ 12 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.DeviceID $aReturn[ 13 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ErrorCleared $aReturn[ 14 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ErrorDescription $aReturn[ 15 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.EstimatedChargeRemaining $aReturn[ 16 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.EstimatedRunTime $aReturn[ 17 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ExpectedBatteryLife $aReturn[ 18 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ExpectedLife $aReturn[ 19 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.FullChargeCapacity $aReturn[ 20 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = WMIDateStringToDate( $objItem.InstallDate ) $aReturn[ 21 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.LastErrorCode $aReturn[ 22 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.MaxRechargeTime $aReturn[ 23 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Name $aReturn[ 24 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.PNPDeviceID $aReturn[ 25 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Array_Join( $objItem.PowerManagementCapabilities ) $aReturn[ 26 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.PowerManagementSupported $aReturn[ 27 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.SmartBatteryVersion $aReturn[ 28 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Status $aReturn[ 29 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_StatusInfo( $objItem.StatusInfo ) $aReturn[ 30 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.SystemCreationClassName $aReturn[ 31 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.SystemName $aReturn[ 32 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.TimeOnBattery $aReturn[ 33 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.TimeToFullCharge Next If $aReturn[0][1] = 0 Then $iExt = 1 ReDim $aReturn[$aReturn[0][0] + 1][$aReturn[0][1] + 1] Return SetError( 0 , $iExt , $aReturn ) Else Return SetError(1 ,99 ,$aErr) EndIf EndFunc Func WMIDateStringToDate($dtmDate) Return (StringMid($dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _ StringMid($dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & StringLeft($dtmDate, 4) _ & " " & StringMid($dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & StringMid($dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & StringMid($dtmDate,13, 2)) EndFunc Func Array_Join($aArray, $sSeparator = " , ") Local $n, $sOut = "" If IsObj($aArray) Then For $value In $aArray $sOut &= $value & $sSeparator Next Return StringTrimRight($sOut, StringLen($sSeparator)) Else For $n = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $sOut &= $aArray[$n] & $sSeparator Next Return StringTrimRight($sOut, StringLen($sSeparator)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Array_Join #Region # ValueToDescription Functions # Func Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_Availability( $value ) Switch $value Case "1" Return "1 = Other" Case "2" Return "2 = Unknown" Case "3" Return "3 = Running/Full Power" Case "4" Return "4 = Warning" Case "5" Return "5 = In Test" Case "6" Return "6 = Not Applicable" Case "7" Return "7 = Power Off" Case "8" Return "8 = Off Line" Case "9" Return "9 = Off Duty" Case "10" Return "10 = Degraded" Case "11" Return "11 = Not Installed" Case "12" Return "12 = Install Error" Case "13" Return "13 = Power Save - Unknown" Case "14" Return "14 = Power Save - Low Power Mode" Case "15" Return "15 = Power Save - Standby" Case "16" Return "16 = Power Cycle" Case "17" Return "17 = Power Save - Warning" Case "18" Return "18 = Paused" Case "19" Return "19 = Not Ready" Case "20" Return "20 = Not Configured" Case "21" Return "21 = Quiesced" Case Else Return $value&" = ???" EndSwitch EndFunc Func Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_BatteryStatus( $value ) Switch $value Case "1" Return "1 = Other" Case "2" Return "2 = Unknown" Case "3" Return "3 = Fully Charged" Case "4" Return "4 = Low" Case "5" Return "5 = Critical" Case "6" Return "6 = Charging" Case "7" Return "7 = Charging and High" Case "8" Return "8 = Charging and Low" Case "9" Return "9 = Charging and Critical" Case "10" Return "10 = Undefined" Case "11" Return "11 = Partially Charged" Case Else Return $value&" = ???" EndSwitch EndFunc Func Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_Chemistry( $value ) Switch $value Case "1" Return "1 = Other" Case "2" Return "2 = Unknown" Case "3" Return "3 = Lead Acid" Case "4" Return "4 = Nickel Cadmium" Case "5" Return "5 = Nickel Metal Hydride" Case "6" Return "6 = Lithium-ion" Case "7" Return "7 = Zinc air" Case "8" Return "8 = Lithium Polymer" Case Else Return $value&" = ???" EndSwitch EndFunc Func Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_ConfigManagerErrorCode( $value ) Switch $value Case "0" Return "0 = This device is working properly." Case "1" Return "1 = This device is not configured correctly." Case "2" Return "2 = Windows cannot load the driver for this device." Case "3" Return "3 = The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources." Case "4" Return "4 = This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted." Case "5" Return "5 = The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage." Case "6" Return "6 = The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices." Case "7" Return "7 = Cannot filter." Case "8" Return "8 = The driver loader for the device is missing." Case "9" Return "9 = This device is not working properly because the controlling firmware is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly." Case "10" Return "10 = This device cannot start." Case "11" Return "11 = This device failed." Case "12" Return "12 = This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use." Case "13" Return "13 = Windows cannot verify this device's resources." Case "14" Return "14 = This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer." Case "15" Return "15 = This device is not working properly because there is probably a re-enumeration problem." Case "16" Return "16 = Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses." Case "17" Return "17 = This device is asking for an unknown resource type." Case "18" Return "18 = Reinstall the drivers for this device." Case "19" Return "19 = Failure using the VxD loader." Case "20" Return "20 = Your registry might be corrupted." Case "21" Return "21 = System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that does not work, see your hardware documentation. Windows is removing this device." Case "22" Return "22 = This device is disabled." Case "23" Return "23 = System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation." Case "24" Return "24 = This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed." Case "25" Return "25 = Windows is still setting up this device." Case "26" Return "26 = Windows is still setting up this device." Case "27" Return "27 = This device does not have valid log configuration." Case "28" Return "28 = The drivers for this device are not installed." Case "29" Return "29 = This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources." Case "30" Return "30 = This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using." Case "31" Return "31 = This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device." Case Else Return $value&" = ???" EndSwitch EndFunc Func Win32_Battery_PropertyValues_StatusInfo( $value ) Switch $value Case "1" Return "1 = Other" Case "2" Return "2 = Unknown" Case "3" Return "3 = Enabled" Case "4" Return "4 = Disabled" Case "5" Return "5 = Not Applicable" Case Else Return $value&" = ???" EndSwitch EndFunc #EndRegion # ValueToDescription Functions # Func _nice_COMerrorHandler($i = 0) If $i == 1 Then Dim $_nice_COMerrorArray[301][9] $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = 0 $_nice_COMerrorObj = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_nice_COMerrorHandler") Return EndIf If $i == 2 Then If Not @Compiled Then Local $n = 0, $c = 0, $s = FileRead(@ScriptFullPath) Local $a = StringSplit($s, @CRLF, 1) For $n = 1 To $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] If Int($_nice_COMerrorArray[$n][7]) > $a[0] Then ContinueLoop $_nice_COMerrorArray[$n][8] = StringStripWS($a[Int($_nice_COMerrorArray[$n][7])], 3) Next If StringInStr($s, "; only for the ANSI compiled version" & @CRLF) Then For $n = 1 To $a[0] If StringInStr($a[$n], "; only for the ANSI compiled version") Then $c += 1 If $n > 50 Then ExitLoop Next For $n = 1 To $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] $_nice_COMerrorArray[$n][7] = $_nice_COMerrorArray[$n][7] - $c Next EndIf EndIf $_nice_COMerrorArray[1][0] = "" ReDim $_nice_COMerrorArray[$_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] + 1][9] _ArrayDisplay($_nice_COMerrorArray, "ScriptOMatic - COM Errors intercepted ( the script will continue after this screen )") Return EndIf If $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = 300 Then $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][8] = "ScriptLine: only first 300 errors shown !!!" Return EndIf If StringInStr($_nice_COMerrorArray[1][0], "|" & $_nice_COMerrorObj.scriptline & "|") Then Return $i = $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] + 1 $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = $i $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][1] = "0x" & Hex($_nice_COMerrorObj, 8) $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][2] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.windescription $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][3] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.source $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][4] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.helpfile $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][5] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.helpcontext $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][6] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.lastdllerror $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][7] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.scriptline $_nice_COMerrorArray[1][0] = $_nice_COMerrorArray[1][0] & "|" & $_nice_COMerrorObj.scriptline & "|" If $i == 1 Then $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][1] = "ErrorNumber:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][2] = "WinDescription:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][3] = "Source:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][4] = "HelpFile:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][5] = "HelpContext:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][6] = "LastDLLerror:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][7] = "ScriptLineNumber:" $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][8] = "ScriptLine:" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_nice_COMerrorHandler #comments-start List of all the Properties and Methods for \root\CIMV2:Win32_Battery Win32_Battery Class Qualifiers ------------------------------ 1. Description = The Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected to the computer system. This class applies to both batteries in Laptop Systems and other internal/external batteries. 2. dynamic = -1 3. Locale = 1033 4. provider = CIMWin32 5. UUID = {8502C4B9-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7} Win32_Battery Class Properties and Property Qualifiers ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Availability 1.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 1.2. Description = The availability and status of the device. For example, the Availability property indicates that the device is running and has full power (value=3), or is in a warning (4), test (5), degraded (10) or power save state (values 13-15 and 17). Regarding the power saving states, these are defined as follows: Value 13 ("Power Save - Unknown") indicates that the device is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 14 ("Power Save - Low Power Mode") indicates that the device is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 15 ("Power Save - Standby") describes that the device is not functioning but could be brought to full power 'quickly'; and value 17 ("Power Save - Warning") indicates that the device is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode. 1.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Operational State|003.5,MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrDeviceStatus 1.4. read = -1 1.5. ValueMap = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 1.6. Values = Other,Unknown,Running/Full Power,Warning,In Test,Not Applicable,Power Off,Off Line,Off Duty,Degraded,Not Installed,Install Error,Power Save - Unknown,Power Save - Low Power Mode,Power Save - Standby,Power Cycle,Power Save - Warning,Paused,Not Ready,Not Configured,Quiesced 2. BatteryRechargeTime 2.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 2.2. DEPRECATED = -1 2.3. Description = The BatteryRechargeTime property indicates the time required to fully charge the battery. The BatteryRechargeTime property has been deprecated. There is no replacementvalue and this property is now considered obsolete. 2.4. MappingStrings = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services|RechargeRate 2.5. read = -1 2.6. Units = minutes 3. BatteryStatus 3.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 3.2. Description = Description of the battery's charge status. Values such as "Fully Charged" (value=3) or "Partially Charged" (11) can be specified. The value, 10, is not valid in the CIM Schema since in DMI it represents that no battery is installed. In this case, this object should not be instantiated. 3.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.14 3.4. read = -1 3.5. ValueMap = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 3.6. Values = Other,Unknown,Fully Charged,Low,Critical,Charging,Charging and High,Charging and Low,Charging and Critical,Undefined,Partially Charged 4. Caption 4.1. CIMTYPE = string 4.2. Description = The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object. 4.3. MaxLen = 64 4.4. read = -1 5. Chemistry 5.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 5.2. Description = An enumeration that describes the battery's chemistry. 5.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.7 5.4. read = -1 5.5. ValueMap = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 5.6. Values = Other,Unknown,Lead Acid,Nickel Cadmium,Nickel Metal Hydride,Lithium-ion,Zinc air,Lithium Polymer 6. ConfigManagerErrorCode 6.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 6.2. Description = Indicates the Win32 Configuration Manager error code. The following values may be returned: 0 This device is working properly. 1 This device is not configured correctly. 2 Windows cannot load the driver for this device. 3 The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources. 4 This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted. 5 The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage. 6 The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices. 7 Cannot filter. 8 The driver loader for the device is missing. 9 This device is not working properly because the controlling firmware is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly. 10 This device cannot start. 11 This device failed. 12 This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. 13 Windows cannot verify this device's resources. 14 This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. 15 This device is not working properly because there is probably a re-enumeration problem. 16 Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses. 17 This device is asking for an unknown resource type. 18 Reinstall the drivers for this device. 19 Your registry might be corrupted. 20 Failure using the VxD loader. 21 System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that does not work, see your hardware documentation. Windows is removing this device. 22 This device is disabled. 23 System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation. 24 This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed. 25 Windows is still setting up this device. 26 Windows is still setting up this device. 27 This device does not have valid log configuration. 28 The drivers for this device are not installed. 29 This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources. 30 This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using. 31 This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. 6.3. read = -1 6.4. ValueMap = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 6.5. Values = This device is working properly.,This device is not configured correctly.,Windows cannot load the driver for this device.,The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.,This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted.,The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage.,The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices.,Cannot filter.,The driver loader for the device is missing.,This device is not working properly because the controlling firmware is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly.,This device cannot start.,This device failed.,This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.,Windows cannot verify this device's resources.,This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer.,This device is not working properly because there is probably a re-enumeration problem.,Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses.,This device is asking for an unknown resource type.,Reinstall the drivers for this device.,Failure using the VxD loader.,Your registry might be corrupted.,System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that does not work, see your hardware documentation. Windows is removing this device.,This device is disabled.,System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation.,This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed.,Windows is still setting up this device.,Windows is still setting up this device.,This device does not have valid log configuration.,The drivers for this device are not installed.,This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.,This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using.,This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. 7. ConfigManagerUserConfig 7.1. CIMTYPE = boolean 7.2. Description = Indicates whether the device is using a user-defined configuration. 7.3. read = -1 8. CreationClassName 8.1. CIM_Key = -1 8.2. CIMTYPE = string 8.3. Description = CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified. 8.4. read = -1 9. Description 9.1. CIMTYPE = string 9.2. Description = The Description property provides a textual description of the object. 9.3. read = -1 10. DesignCapacity 10.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 10.2. Description = The design capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours. If this property is not supported, enter 0. 10.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.8 10.4. read = -1 10.5. Units = milliwatt-hours 11. DesignVoltage 11.1. CIMTYPE = uint64 11.2. Description = The design voltage of the battery in millivolts. If this attribute is not supported, enter 0. 11.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.9 11.4. read = -1 11.5. Units = millivolts 12. DeviceID 12.1. CIM_Key = -1 12.2. CIMTYPE = string 12.3. Description = The DeviceID property contains a string identifying the battery. Example: Internal Battery 12.4. key = -1 12.5. MappingStrings = WMI 12.6. Override = DeviceId 12.7. read = -1 13. ErrorCleared 13.1. CIMTYPE = boolean 13.2. Description = ErrorCleared is a boolean property indicating that the error reported in LastErrorCode property is now cleared. 13.3. read = -1 14. ErrorDescription 14.1. CIMTYPE = string 14.2. Description = ErrorDescription is a free-form string supplying more information about the error recorded in LastErrorCode property, and information on any corrective actions that may be taken. 14.3. read = -1 15. EstimatedChargeRemaining 15.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 15.2. Description = An estimate of the percentage of full charge remaining. 15.3. read = -1 15.4. Units = percent 16. EstimatedRunTime 16.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 16.2. Description = EstimatedRunTime is an estimate in minutes of the time to battery charge depletion under the present load conditions if the utility power is off, or lost and remains off, or a Laptop is disconnected from a power source. 16.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.15 16.4. read = -1 16.5. Units = minutes 17. ExpectedBatteryLife 17.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 17.2. DEPRECATED = -1 17.3. Description = The ExpectedBatteryLife property indicates the amount of time it takes to completely drain the battery after it has been fully charged. The ExpectedBatteryLife property has been deprecated. There is no replacementvalue and this property is now considered obsolete. 17.4. MappingStrings = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services|BatteryLife 17.5. read = -1 17.6. Units = minutes 18. ExpectedLife 18.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 18.2. Description = Indicates the battery's expected lifetime in minutes, assuming that the battery is fully charged. This property represents the total expected life of the battery, not its current remaining life, which is indicated by the EstimatedRunTime property. 18.3. read = -1 18.4. Units = minutes 19. FullChargeCapacity 19.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 19.2. Description = The full charge capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours. Comparison of this value to the DesignCapacity property determines when the battery requires replacement. A battery's end of life is typically when the FullChargeCapacity property falls below 80% of the DesignCapacity property. If this property is not supported, enter 0. 19.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.11 19.4. read = -1 19.5. Units = milliwatt-hours 20. InstallDate 20.1. CIMTYPE = datetime 20.2. Description = The InstallDate property is datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed. 20.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5 20.4. read = -1 21. LastErrorCode 21.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 21.2. Description = LastErrorCode captures the last error code reported by the logical device. 21.3. read = -1 22. MaxRechargeTime 22.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 22.2. Description = MaxRechargeTime indicates the maximum time, in minutes, to fully charge the battery. This property represents the time to recharge a fully depleted battery, not the current remaining charging time, which is indicated in the TimeToFullCharge property. 22.3. read = -1 22.4. Units = minutes 23. Name 23.1. CIMTYPE = string 23.2. Description = The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property. 23.3. read = -1 24. PNPDeviceID 24.1. CIMTYPE = string 24.2. Description = Indicates the Win32 Plug and Play device ID of the logical device. Example: *PNP030b 24.3. read = -1 25. PowerManagementCapabilities 25.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 25.2. Description = Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of the logical device. The array values, 0="Unknown", 1="Not Supported" and 2="Disabled" are self-explanatory. The value, 3="Enabled" indicates that the power management features are currently enabled but the exact feature set is unknown or the information is unavailable. "Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically" (4) describes that a device can change its power state based on usage or other criteria. "Power State Settable" (5) indicates that the SetPowerState method is supported. "Power Cycling Supported" (6) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 ("Power Cycle"). "Timed Power On Supported" (7) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 ("Power Cycle") and the Time parameter set to a specific date and time, or interval, for power-on. 25.3. read = -1 25.4. Values = Unknown,Not Supported,Disabled,Enabled,Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically,Power State Settable,Power Cycling Supported,Timed Power On Supported 26. PowerManagementSupported 26.1. CIMTYPE = boolean 26.2. Description = Boolean indicating that the Device can be power managed - ie, put into a power save state. This boolean does not indicate that power management features are currently enabled, or if enabled, what features are supported. Refer to the PowerManagementCapabilities array for this information. If this boolean is false, the integer value 1, for the string, "Not Supported", should be the only entry in the PowerManagementCapabilities array. 26.3. read = -1 27. SmartBatteryVersion 27.1. CIMTYPE = string 27.2. Description = The Smart Battery Data Specification version number supported by this battery. If the battery does not support this function, the value should be left blank. 27.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.10 27.4. MaxLen = 64 27.5. read = -1 28. Status 28.1. CIMTYPE = string 28.2. Description = The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are "OK", "Degraded" and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates that an element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are "Error", "Starting", "Stopping" and "Service". The latter, "Service", could apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, yet the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states. 28.3. MaxLen = 10 28.4. read = -1 28.5. ValueMap = OK,Error,Degraded,Unknown,Pred Fail,Starting,Stopping,Service,Stressed,NonRecover,No Contact,Lost Comm 28.6. Values = OK,Error,Degraded,Unknown,Pred Fail,Starting,Stopping,Service,Stressed,NonRecover,No Contact,Lost Comm 29. StatusInfo 29.1. CIMTYPE = uint16 29.2. Description = StatusInfo is a string indicating whether the logical device is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other (1) or unknown (2) state. If this property does not apply to the logical device, the value, 5 ("Not Applicable"), should be used. 29.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Operational State|003.3 29.4. read = -1 29.5. ValueMap = 1,2,3,4,5 29.6. Values = Other,Unknown,Enabled,Disabled,Not Applicable 30. SystemCreationClassName 30.1. CIM_Key = -1 30.2. CIMTYPE = string 30.3. Description = The scoping System's CreationClassName. 30.4. Propagated = CIM_System.CreationClassName 30.5. read = -1 31. SystemName 31.1. CIM_Key = -1 31.2. CIMTYPE = string 31.3. Description = The scoping System's Name. 31.4. Propagated = CIM_System.Name 31.5. read = -1 32. TimeOnBattery 32.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 32.2. Description = TimeOnBattery indicates the elapsed time in seconds since the computer system's UPS last switched to battery power, or the time since the system or UPS was last restarted, whichever is less. Zero shall be returned if the battery is 'on line'. 32.3. read = -1 32.4. Units = seconds 33. TimeToFullCharge 33.1. CIMTYPE = uint32 33.2. Description = The remaining time to charge the battery fully in minutes at the current charging rate and usage. 33.3. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|Portable Battery|002.16 33.4. read = -1 33.5. Units = minutes Win32_Battery Class Methods and Method Qualifiers ------------------------------------------------- 1. SetPowerState 1.1. Description = SetPowerState defines the desired power state for a logical device and when a device should be put into that state. The desired power state is specified by setting the PowerState parameter to one of the following integer values: 1="Full Power", 2="Power Save - Low Power Mode", 3="Power Save - Standby", 4="Power Save - Other", 5="Power Cycle" or 6="Power Off". The Time parameter (for all state changes, except 5, "Power Cycle") indicates when the power state should be set, either as a regular date-time value or as an interval value (where the interval begins when the method invocation is received). When the PowerState parameter is equal to 5, "Power Cycle", the Time parameter indicates when the device should power on again. Power off is immediate. SetPowerState should return 0 if successful, 1 if the specified PowerState and Time request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are 'translated' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier. 2. Reset 2.1. Description = Requests a reset of the logical device. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred. #comments-end
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