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  1. So i needed a way of creating borderless resizable, dragable GUIs while maintaining the AeroSnap(or whatever it is called now) functionality of Windows. The problem was that creating $WS_POPUP GUIs killed the AeroSnap functionality of Windows, it also caused @SW_Maximize to go fullscreen instead of just maximizing. I found some examples of borderless GUIs for C++, the solution was really easy: WM_NCCALCSIZE I have collected some other examples of resizing and dragging borderless GUIs, tweaked them a and wrote a simple to use UDF with easy usage with just one line: _GUI_EnableDragAndResize($Form1) Example with UDF: #include <Windowsconstants.au3> #include <WinAPIGdi.au3> Global $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI, $Win_Min_ResizeX = 145, $Win_Min_ResizeY = 45 #region Example $Form1 = GUICreate("Example GUI", 300, 150, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) GUISetBkColor(0x282828, $Form1) _GUI_EnableDragAndResize($Form1,300, 150) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 90, 60, 120, 30) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 768 + 8 + 128) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case -3, $Button1 Exit EndSwitch #cs uncomment this if you have a very large listview or any other control that is very close to the gui borders, this makes sure the resize cursor gets reset properly. If WinActive($Form1) Then Local $mgetinfo = MouseGetCursor(), $aMouseInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) If ($mgetinfo = 12) Or ($mgetinfo = 11) Or ($mgetinfo = 10) Or ($mgetinfo = 13) Then If Not ($aMouseInfo[4] = 0) Then GUISetCursor(2, 1) EndIf EndIf #ce WEnd #endregion Example ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GUI_EnableDragAndResize ; Compatibility .: Windows 7 and above. Not tested on XP. ; Description ...: Removes the Borders of a GUI, allows drag and resize while keeping the AeroSnap features of Windows still working with the GUI ; Warning .......: Can only be called for one GUI, if you call if for a second GUI, you have to call _GUI_DragAndResizeUpdate($Form1) it for the first GUI after closing the second GUI. ; Syntax ........: _GUI_EnableDragAndResize($mGUI, $GUI_WIDTH, $GUI_HEIGHT [, $Min_ResizeX = $Win_Min_ResizeX[, $Min_ResizeY = $Win_Min_ResizeY[, ; $AddShadowEffect = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $mGUI - Handle to your GUI. ; $GUI_WIDTH - The width of the GUI. (Required to fix the wrong size after removing borders) ; $GUI_HEIGHT - The height of the GUI. (Required to fix the wrong size after removing borders) ; $Min_ResizeX - [optional] Min size of the GUI. Default is 145 ; $Min_ResizeY - [optional] Max size of the GUI. Default is 45 ; $$AddShadowEffect - [optional] Adds shadow effect that looks like a thin border. Works only with Aero-Effects enabled. Default is False ; Author ........: BB_19 ; Credits .......: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Moving_and_Resizing_PopUp_GUIs ; Example .......: _GUI_EnableDragAndResize($Form1,300,200) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GUI_EnableDragAndResize($mGUI, $GUI_WIDTH, $GUI_HEIGHT, $Min_ResizeX = $Win_Min_ResizeX, $Min_ResizeY = $Win_Min_ResizeY, $AddShadowEffect = False) Global $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI = $mGUI, $Win_Min_ResizeX = $Min_ResizeX, $Win_Min_ResizeY = $Min_ResizeY GUIRegisterMsg(0x0024, "INTERNAL_WM_GETMINMAXINFO") ; For GUI size limits GUIRegisterMsg(0x0084, "INTERNAL_WM_NCHITTEST") ; For resizing and to allow doubleclick to maximize and drag on the upper GUI. GUIRegisterMsg(0x0083, "INTERNAL_WM_NCCALCSIZE") ; To Prevent window border from drawing GUIRegisterMsg(0x0201, "INTERNAL_WM_LBUTTONDOWN") ; For drag/GUI moving. Disable this if you want to only a specific the area for dragging.(By using labels with $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUIRegisterMsg(0x0005, "INTERNAL_WM_SIZING") ; Fixing the maxmized position (otherwise we have a -7px margin on all sides due to the missing border) GUIRegisterMsg(0x0086, "INTERNAL_WM_NCACTIVATE") ; Prevent Windowframe from redrawing when window goes inactive If $AddShadowEffect = True Then Local $tMargs = DllStructCreate("int cxLeftWidth;int cxRightWidth;int cyTopHeight;int cyBottomHeight") DllStructSetData($tMargs, 1, 1) DllStructSetData($tMargs, 2, 1) DllStructSetData($tMargs, 3, 1) DllStructSetData($tMargs, 4, 1) DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea", "hwnd", $mGUI, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tMargs)) EndIf WinMove($mGUI, "", Default, Default, $GUI_WIDTH, $GUI_HEIGHT);Update Size and EndFunc ;==>_GUI_EnableDragAndResize ;Update drag and resize for your first GUI after using _GUI_EnableDragAndResize on a second GUI. Func _GUI_DragAndResizeUpdate($mGUI, $Min_ResizeX = $Win_Min_ResizeX, $Min_ResizeY = $Win_Min_ResizeY) Global $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI = $mGUI, $Win_Min_ResizeX = $Min_ResizeX, $Win_Min_ResizeY = $Min_ResizeY GUIRegisterMsg(0x0024, "INTERNAL_WM_GETMINMAXINFO") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0084, "INTERNAL_WM_NCHITTEST") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0083, "INTERNAL_WM_NCCALCSIZE") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0201, "INTERNAL_WM_LBUTTONDOWN") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0005, "INTERNAL_WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0086, "INTERNAL_WM_NCACTIVATE") EndFunc ;==>_GUI_EnableDragAndResizeUpdate ;Prevent Borders from redrawing when window goes inactive Func INTERNAL_WM_NCACTIVATE($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If ($hWnd = $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Then Return -1 EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_NCACTIVATE ;Fix maximized position Func INTERNAL_WM_SIZING($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If ($hWnd = $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Then If (WinGetState($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) = 47) Then Local $WorkingSize = _GetDesktopWorkArea($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Local $aWinPos = WinGetPos($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) _WinAPI_SetWindowPos($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI, $HWND_TOP, $aWinPos[0] - 1, $aWinPos[1] - 1, $WorkingSize[2], $WorkingSize[3], $SWP_NOREDRAW) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_SIZING ; Set min and max GUI sizes Func INTERNAL_WM_GETMINMAXINFO($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) $tMinMaxInfo = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;dword", $lParam) Local $WorkingSize = _GetDesktopWorkArea($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) ;Prevent Windows from misplacing the GUI when maximized, due to missing borders. DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 3, $WorkingSize[2]) DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 4, $WorkingSize[3]) DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 5, $WorkingSize[0] + 1) DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 6, $WorkingSize[1] + 1) ;Min Size limits DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 7, $Win_Min_ResizeX) DllStructSetData($tMinMaxInfo, 8, $Win_Min_ResizeY) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_GETMINMAXINFO ;Stop drawing GUI Borders Func INTERNAL_WM_NCCALCSIZE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI Then Return 0 EndIf Return 'GUI_RUNDEFMSG' EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_NCCALCSIZE ;Set mouse cursor for resizing etc. / Allow the upper GUI (40 pixel from top) to act as a control bar (doubleclick to maximize, move gui around..) Func INTERNAL_WM_NCHITTEST($hWnd, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If ($hWnd = $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Then Local $iSide = 0, $iTopBot = 0, $CurSorInfo Local $mPos = MouseGetPos() Local $aWinPos = WinGetPos($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Local $aCurInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) ;Check if Mouse is over Border, Margin = 5 If Not @error Then If $aCurInfo[0] < 5 Then $iSide = 1 If $aCurInfo[0] > $aWinPos[2] - 5 Then $iSide = 2 If $aCurInfo[1] < 5 Then $iTopBot = 3 If $aCurInfo[1] > $aWinPos[3] - 5 Then $iTopBot = 6 $CurSorInfo = $iSide + $iTopBot Else $CurSorInfo = 0 EndIf ;Set position for drag and doubleclick to maximize $xMIN = $aWinPos[0] + 4 $xMAX = $aWinPos[0] + $aWinPos[2] - 4 $yMIN = $aWinPos[1] + 4 $yMAX = $aWinPos[1] + 40 If ($mPos[0] >= $xMIN) And ($mPos[0] <= $xMAX) And ($mPos[1] >= $yMIN) And ($mPos[1] <= $yMAX) Then GUISetCursor(2, 1) Return 2; Return $HTCAPTION if mouse is within the position for drag + doubleclick to maximize EndIf If Not (WinGetState($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) = 47) Then ;Set resize cursor and return the correct $HT for gui resizing If ($aCurInfo[4] = 0) Then Local $Return_HT = 2, $Set_Cursor = 2 Switch $CurSorInfo Case 1 $Set_Cursor = 13 $Return_HT = 10 Case 2 $Set_Cursor = 13 $Return_HT = 11 Case 3 $Set_Cursor = 11 $Return_HT = 12 Case 4 $Set_Cursor = 12 $Return_HT = 13 Case 5 $Set_Cursor = 10 $Return_HT = 14 Case 6 $Set_Cursor = 11 $Return_HT = 15 Case 7 $Set_Cursor = 10 $Return_HT = 16 Case 8 $Set_Cursor = 12 $Return_HT = 17 EndSwitch GUISetCursor($Set_Cursor, 1) If Not ($Return_HT = 2) Then Return $Return_HT EndIf EndIf EndIf Return 'GUI_RUNDEFMSG' EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_NCHITTEST ; Allow drag with mouse left button down Func INTERNAL_WM_LBUTTONDOWN($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If ($hWnd = $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) Then If Not (WinGetState($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) = 47) Then Local $aCurInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI) If ($aCurInfo[4] = 0) Then ; Mouse not over a control DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseCapture") DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $GLOBAL_MAIN_GUI, "int", 0x00A1, "int", 2, "int", 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>INTERNAL_WM_LBUTTONDOWN ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetDesktopWorkArea ; Description ...: Calculate the desktop workarea for a specific window to maximize it. Supports multi display and taskbar detection. ; Syntax ........: _GetDesktopWorkArea($hWnd) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to the window. ; Return values .: Array in following format: ; : [0] = X-Pos for maximizing ; : [1] = Y-Pos for maximizing ; : [2] = Max. Width ; : [3] = Max. Height ; Author ........: BB_19 ; Note ..........: The x/y position is not the real position of the window if you have multi display. It is just for setting the maximize info for WM_GETMINMAXINFO ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetDesktopWorkArea($hWnd) Local $MonitorSizePos[4], $MonitorNumber = 1 $MonitorSizePos[0] = 0 $MonitorSizePos[1] = 0 $MonitorSizePos[2] = @DesktopWidth $MonitorSizePos[3] = @DesktopHeight ;Get Monitors Local $aPos, $MonitorList = _WinAPI_EnumDisplayMonitors() If @error Then Return $MonitorSizePos If IsArray($MonitorList) Then ReDim $MonitorList[$MonitorList[0][0] + 1][5] For $i = 1 To $MonitorList[0][0] $aPos = _WinAPI_GetPosFromRect($MonitorList[$i][1]) For $j = 0 To 3 $MonitorList[$i][$j + 1] = $aPos[$j] Next Next EndIf ;Check on which monitor our window is Local $GUI_Monitor = _WinAPI_MonitorFromWindow($hWnd) ;Check on which monitor the taskbar is Local $Taskbar_Monitor = _WinAPI_MonitorFromWindow(WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]")) ;Write the width and height info of the correct monitor into an array For $iM = 1 To $MonitorList[0][0] Step +1 If $MonitorList[$iM][0] = $GUI_Monitor Then $MonitorSizePos[0] = 0 $MonitorSizePos[1] = 0 $MonitorSizePos[2] = $MonitorList[$iM][3] $MonitorSizePos[3] = $MonitorList[$iM][4] $MonitorNumber = $iM EndIf Next ;Check if Taskbar autohide is enabled, if so then we will remove 1px from the correct side so that the taskbar will reapear when moving mouse to the side Local $TaskBarAutoHide = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "SHAppBarMessage", "int", 0x00000004, "ptr*", 0) If Not @error Then $TaskBarAutoHide = $TaskBarAutoHide[0] Else $TaskBarAutoHide = 0 EndIf ;Check if Taskbar is on this Monitor, if so, then recalculate the position, max. width and height of the WorkArea If $Taskbar_Monitor = $GUI_Monitor Then $TaskBarPos = WinGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]") If @error Then Return $MonitorSizePos ;Win 7 classic theme compatibility If ($TaskBarPos[0] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][1] - 2) Or ($TaskBarPos[1] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][2] - 2) Then $TaskBarPos[0] = $TaskBarPos[0] + 2 $TaskBarPos[1] = $TaskBarPos[1] + 2 $TaskBarPos[2] = $TaskBarPos[2] - 4 $TaskBarPos[3] = $TaskBarPos[3] - 4 EndIf If ($TaskBarPos[0] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][1] - 2) Or ($TaskBarPos[1] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][2] - 2) Then $TaskBarPos[0] = $TaskBarPos[0] + 2 $TaskBarPos[1] = $TaskBarPos[1] + 2 $TaskBarPos[2] = $TaskBarPos[2] - 4 $TaskBarPos[3] = $TaskBarPos[3] - 4 EndIf ;Recalc width/height and pos If $TaskBarPos[2] = $MonitorSizePos[2] Then If $TaskBarAutoHide = 1 Then If ($TaskBarPos[1] > 0) Then $MonitorSizePos[3] -= 1 Else $MonitorSizePos[1] += 1 $MonitorSizePos[3] -= 1 EndIf Return $MonitorSizePos EndIf $MonitorSizePos[3] = $MonitorSizePos[3] - $TaskBarPos[3] If ($TaskBarPos[0] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][1]) And ($TaskBarPos[1] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][2]) Then $MonitorSizePos[1] = $TaskBarPos[3] Else If $TaskBarAutoHide = 1 Then If ($TaskBarPos[0] > 0) Then $MonitorSizePos[2] -= 1 Else $MonitorSizePos[0] += 1 $MonitorSizePos[2] -= 1 EndIf Return $MonitorSizePos EndIf $MonitorSizePos[2] = $MonitorSizePos[2] - $TaskBarPos[2] If ($TaskBarPos[0] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][1]) And ($TaskBarPos[1] = $MonitorList[$MonitorNumber][2]) Then $MonitorSizePos[0] = $TaskBarPos[2] EndIf EndIf Return $MonitorSizePos EndFunc ;==>_GetDesktopWorkArea Download UDF with seperate example: BorderLessWinUDF.zip EDIT: Newest versions of this UDF with bugfixes can be downloaded from the MetroGUI project:
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